Stripe full stack interview

I have a Stripe phone screen coming up. What kind of local setup I should do to be ready for the interview. This round is going to be around JavaScript component. I am mostly backend and a bit rusty with JavaScript. Should I do a basic NextJs setup on my system for the interview? #stripe #fullstack #interview

Qualcomm nmfn762 Apr 13

What were the topics of coding interview so far?

Amazon masum OP Apr 13

This will be my first round after recruiter screen. So no coding yet.

Amazon youpsi2.0 Apr 13


Amazon masum OP Apr 13


Stripe ;__; Apr 13

Why pick JavaScript if you’re not fluent in it?

Amazon youpsi2.0 Apr 13

It is prob an only open position?

Stripe ir-get-pip Apr 13

Why don’t you interview as backend engineer?

Amazon masum OP Apr 13

Will it look bad if I ask to interview for backend role now? I think I should just go ahead and do that. Better than bombing the interview.

Stripe ir-get-pip Apr 14

when is your interview scheduled for? Most likely fine. Just say you reviewed the documentation and would be much better off interviewing as a backend engineer.