Student protests are a business now?

The anti-war protests are not only a joke now. They became also a business. People sitting at University spaces are mostly not students nor staff. Scarfs are being sold by $35 and several ones sitting down are millionaires. Has it just turned into a business?

Community Affairs Cold Open - SNL
Community Affairs Cold Open - SNL
The anti-Israel agitators were actually outsiders – and the schools could not have handled it worse
The anti-Israel agitators were actually outsiders – and the schools could not have handled it worse
New York Post
48 Participants
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Truveta bcx437 May 6

Two things can be true at the same time. One can be legitimately outraged by the ongoing mass slaughter and torture of civilians while others try to capitalize on a tragedy financially or politically.

Google xzrh OP May 6

Can we start a protest inside Truveta with 68 out of 133 being outsiders because we are worried about the tech layoffs or Gaza? Can we just schedule it and count on you to open the doors for us?

Truveta bcx437 May 6

From the Boston Tea Party to the civil rights protests of the 60s, effective protests are rarely totally “lawful” and they aren’t supposed to be pleasant. The whole point of a protest is to make things unpleasant until people change something. Not just hold a sign in an approved zone. But if I thought Truveta were complicit in war crimes and that a protest would help bring that complicity to an end, sure.

Amazon fatbluntz May 6

You might be partially right but i also fear this is just a way for the media to get people to dismiss protestors moving forward

Google xzrh OP May 6

Will you sign us as visitors if we schedule a protest inside Amazon?

Amazon fatbluntz May 6

Are you dumb and a troll or just dumb?

NUVIA Afjr18 May 6

These are rich LARPers and well funded professional protesters for the most part.

Apple kmnnmmsm May 6

I don’t know but surely annoying and make me stop hating Israel. This is an unruly group of anarchists disguising as supporting Palestine.