Tech IndustryJul 27, 2019

Suggestions please!

I am a fresh grad with 0 yoe. I'm planning to stay in PayPal for 2 years. I want to join Microsoft after these 2 years at L61. I know this is insane but I saw a couple of people doing this. I used to do competitive programming so I can solve LeetCode medium easily and Leetcode hard after thinking for some time. Apart from Leetcode what should I do to make myself as a strong engineer and make my resume strong so that it grabs attention of Microsoft recruiter. TC: Base 11.5 lakhs INR+10Lakhs/2 joining bonus +10k/3 USD RSU

Google simplton Jul 27, 2019

You get 11.5 litres ? If so litres of what?

Oath Julie35 Jul 27, 2019

It must be lakhs. Read about currency conversion in India dude.

PayPal coolpal OP Jul 27, 2019


LinkedIn tcfofiddy Jul 27, 2019

Was thinking the same as google. Da fuck is 11.5L?

Microsoft leetcode​ Jul 27, 2019

I’d suggest getting a strong referral as well from somewhere within Microsoft. I’d also suggest reading papers about well known systems like Google RPC, Zookeeper, etc and system design blogs at Facebook, Google, etc. Within two years I’d try to work as hard as you can and get promoted as quickly as you can. Also I’d suggest forgetting about Microsoft for now and focusing on learning to do well at your job. And 2 years from now think about applying.

PayPal coolpal OP Jul 27, 2019

Thank you :)

Microsoft wndws Jul 27, 2019

Having contacts and referral usually makes it easier for your resume to land on hiring managers desk/email. Like @leetcode mentioned focus on learning as much as you can.