Tech IndustryOct 14, 2020

Target interview - Senior software developer role

What should i expect in Target’s interview? For senior software development role? There is nothing much online. Its through GHC

Target EbpT10 Oct 18, 2020

Depends on the department. Usually 1 take home then 1 on site interview with 3-4 rounds. Basic systems design, basic OO, 1 round of can you tell me what's wrong with this code and then the last is algorithms/ds. Obviously YMMV.

HERE YXeT70 OP Oct 18, 2020

So its Java heavy? Which round has more weightage ? I had one Codility, one pair programming (java heavy), one technical, one behavioral I killed 3 of them, fucked pair programming coz been doing Nodejs from past 3-4 years, i struggle to compare enums and many stuff. What chances do i have?

Target EbpT10 Oct 18, 2020

Depends on the team, but they don't really care if you know x or y language. As long as you have strong core CS skills. You can code in whatever language you want. Not enough information to determine how you did, but have some hope!