Tech IndustryNov 12, 2021

Thank you Blind! Increased TC by 2.5x

Huge thank you to the Blind community. There's so much useful information here that I'm not sure I could've done it on my own. Hope you find this helpful! Background TC (before) 200k TC (after) 525k 11 YOE (4 years IC, 7 years manager) - mostly in consulting and large financial services companies Canada (HCOL area) Wife + 2 kids About 5 months ago the Big Bank I worked at went through a reorg. Wasn't happy with the changes but I was in what I thought was a nice cushy job (3 years earlier when I joined I got a double-promotion and jumped to 200k TC). A friend reached out to me and he mentioned he was job searching and found this app called Blind. I didn't think much of it until he also sent me a link to for some Canadian comp that were really high (I think it was Shopify EM). That definitely got me interested. Long story short, I decided to send my resume out and see what I could get. I got 3 interviews pretty quickly (Microsoft + 2 unicorns). Recruiter screen was no problem so next was a hiring manager call. I failed all 3 of them. Badly. That's when I realized I needed to actually spend time studying.  When I joined Big Bank I pretty much winged it since a VP I had worked with earlier in my career vouched for me but it obviously wasn't enough this time around. Studying Having 2 kids definitely doesn't help with finding time to study, but I squeezed some time in early morning (1hr) and late night (1-2hr). During the day anytime I wasn't in a meeting I would also study (0-4hr). I put in about 5 weeks of solid studying before sending out new applications. My focus was on 4 main areas (in this order): 1) Behavioral questions 2) System design 3) Previous projects 4) Coding Behavioral questions - created a story bank of about 40 stories, put in as much detail as I could in STAR format. This actually took me a long time to do but I thought it was massively helpful. Some people can just wing it but I found it easier to have everything ready beforehand.  I also created a separate Q&A sheet for common EM questions. Most of these were just linking to the story bank but some of them were bullet point answers (e.g. leadership style, managing over/under performers, approach to cross-functional collaboration, etc.) System design - my weakest area and probably the most important. I relied on Blind to understand how to prep and referenced this post a lot My approach from most useful to least: 1) Grokking the System Design Interview and Grokking the Advanced System Design Interview - only reason so high it gives the standard list of questions asked, but not enough details. I skimmed for breadth and to know what I don't know. 2) System Design Interview An Insider's Guide - thought it was well laid out, especially if you take time to go through referenced footnotes. 3) Designing Data-Intensive Applications - very heavy, but I highly recommend it. This gave me confidence to go deeper in some areas that I might not have before reading it. 4) Gaurav Sen - videos were hit/miss, good for breadth but I found they didn't go deep enough and were too simplified. 5) InfoQ - if I had a lot more time I think this is a goldmine, but I didn't so just chose a few that I thought were interesting to me. 6) Mock interviews - I considered paid mock interviews but didn't go through with it. I did have 1 mock interview with a friend which was helpful even just to get in the right mindset. Previous projects - I chose 2 projects and went through them in detail to summarize tradeoffs, decision points, contentious areas, etc. Found this very helpful to structure my responses as almost every interview loop had a Project Q&A interview. Coding - LeetCode easy/medium. I probably did 40 questions in total. My thinking behind this was if the interview loop needed me to solve a LC hard then probably not the company/role for me. I still code occasionally at work. Interviews In total (ignoring the 50+ applications I spammed out with no response / email rejection) I got to at least a phone interview with 14 companies and received 2 offers (17% success rate...). Failed before final round (mostly with hiring manager): Microsoft Capital One Applyboard No-name tech company #1 No-name tech company #2 Took myself out of interview process after recruiter call: Mozilla Slalom Medium-sized Canadian insurance company Got to final round but rejected: Doordash (EM) - TC range 400-500k CAD (although I feel like I dodged a bullet here. Asked a lot about WLB and got pretty bad vibes overall. Also was the only company to reject me with a standard automated "Thank you for applying" email.) Shopify (senior manager) - TC 300k+ CAD (good interview process except the life story which seemed like it could be too biased. Also gave really strong feedback in the rejection phone call which I used in other interviews.) Square (EM) - TC range 300-350k CAD (best interview process by far and everyone seemed very intelligent, professional, and polished - I really wanted this one.) No-name tech company (director) - TC 200-300k CAD (meh..) Offers: Late-stage startup (senior manager) - TC 250k US e-commerce company - TC 525k I got the late-stage startup pretty early so had to extend it a few times as I had no other offers to use as leverage (I'm not good at lying) even though the TC was not a huge step up. Once I finished the interview loop with the US e-commerce company and was given a verbal offer... I kind of forgot to negotiate after she threw at me all these large numbers. Only consolation for me is I did tell the recruiter I wasn't interested in interviewing because they came so late and I had 5 final rounds coming up (I didn't think I needed them) so they fast-tracked me... and maybe bumped up my offer as well (who knows). The End It seemed like such a long process even though it only took 3 months. The 3 early quick rejections definitely did not help my confidence. But my take-away from all of this is that anything is possible and it's never too late. - Compare career levels across companies - Compare career levels across companies
Giving back - long-term interview preparation strategy - Part 1
Giving back - long-term interview preparation strategy - Part 1
Amazon qtjl68 Nov 12, 2021


SAP WDF1 Nov 12, 2021

Congrats! I’m very excited for you. Well deserved based on your thorough and structured approach. I’m in a very similar situation and I’m going to be copy a cat. ;)

xulu47 OP Nov 12, 2021

Best of luck!

Honeywell WNOW Nov 12, 2021

Amazon or Wayfair? Anyways congratulations!

Travelers z5a72fa4c2 Nov 13, 2021

Etsy ?

LinkedIn bbetg53 Nov 12, 2021

Congrats @op! Would you be willing to share your prep resources for behavioral round?

xulu47 OP Nov 12, 2021

The best one I found was Very comprehensive. Almost any question I struggled with in an interview I later found listed there.

Shopify pixl_pushr Nov 12, 2021

Quality blind post. This is what I’m here for.

xulu47 OP Nov 12, 2021

Thanks! Just trying to give back to the community.

Salesforce zrzF23 Nov 12, 2021

congrats, very well deserved! mind plz dm-ing company name?

IBM rLeI77 Nov 12, 2021

Most likely bolt

Oracle patch’d Nov 12, 2021

Congratulations OP and thanks a ton for this detailed post. Is this new job in Canada?

xulu47 OP Nov 12, 2021


Facebook can_do Nov 12, 2021

Great post and thanks for giving back!

Amazon jakjghj Nov 12, 2021

Congrats, my friend! I guess it’s a great Amazon L6 offer :)

Flagged by the community.
Morgan Stanley ebXo Nov 13, 2021

It will be good to post interviewer profiles (anatomyzed) on the website