Misc.Jul 12, 2019

The benefit of religion and having kids in suicide rates

Counterculture data to the lib belief system Not religious myself, but the data is strong in terms of a significant benefit of religion and having kids as it relates to the suicide rate. Correlation isn’t necessarily causation, and to each their own, but are people who aren’t religious and or don’t want kids aware of this? Is it concerning? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-church-attendance-suicide-20160629-snap-story.html%3FoutputType%3Damp https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/article-abstract/496069

Church attendance linked with reduced suicide risk, especially for Catholics, study says
Church attendance linked with reduced suicide risk, especially for Catholics, study says
Suicide Among Women Related to Number of Children in Marriage
Suicide Among Women Related to Number of Children in Marriage
Hulu dzgn_rulez Jul 12, 2019

How about we talk about something that is actually relevant to work like how heavy social media use is linked to depression. Didn’t you already get reported for this?

Intel gifkapa OP Jul 12, 2019

Prob a worthy discussion topic on social media, but separate string given the time/space allocation. No, not sure what you are referring to. Why would you get reported for trying to have an honest discussion about how to reduce suicide?

Indeed Scrub 🧽 Jul 12, 2019

Reported? What for...

Lyft done2 Jul 12, 2019

Fascinating topic, thanks for providing an evidence-based perspective.n I rebelled against religion to the point of militantly atheist. But recently I’ve started to realize that reason alone can never answer the most important questions about what qualifies the good life. The history of political philosophy is filled with failed attempts to do so. I can see myself almost compartmentalizing, I don’t necessarily need to believe in the details of a religion to be convinced that having some receptacle for your faith is better than trying to do without it. Precisely because there are many unanswerable questions

Oracle marriedM Jul 12, 2019

Showed this to my kids right away!

Intel gifkapa OP Jul 12, 2019

I’m in the same boat.

Yesterday- Jul 12, 2019

Interesting. If we look at male suicide rates though, we would find that Montana, Wyoming and Alaska are ranked the highest. And these states are generally full of conservative, faith-based folks. Religion and ones relationship with faith is complex but this study actually found those who had a stronger religious faith thought more about suicide. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4990512/

Intel gifkapa OP Jul 12, 2019

Why do you think those states have higher rates of religion? All three are below the national average with less than 1/3 attending religious services weekly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_religiosity That is interesting on the study - you could surmise that those people are in tough times and religion gives them solace enough to keep going. Generalizing by geography again, those in the South are poorest, which gives them a higher likelihood of suicide, but they actually have a lower rate of committing suicide.

Yesterday- Jul 13, 2019

Attending religious services is only one factor. They are also more rural areas so churches aren’t on every corner like some midwestern states. And my antidotal evidence comes from having family in these areas so I’ve visited the each of the states and seen their communities first hand.

Uber uZ9mM Jul 13, 2019

Could it be that social interaction makes people less suicidal, especially if that social interaction is in the context of a group where everyone agrees that you’ll burn in a pit of fire for eternity if you commit suicide?

Lyft done2 Jul 13, 2019

Then why are Catholics seven times less likely to commit them protestants. That result needs an explanation