COVID-19Mar 25, 2020
AmazonVenti 🍌

The tone-deaf richest man asks people to donate to support his employees 🤦

What the fuck is wrong with this guy??! Pay your employees with a livable wage and health benefits, mofo! If your employees need public donations to make it through an illnesses, and your company is worth almost a trillion and you're the richest person on Earth, you're a certified asshole. #covid-19 #coronavirus

Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos faces backlash for asking public to donate to his relief fund
Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos faces backlash for asking public to donate to his relief fund
The Independent
WeWork Leyte Mar 25, 2020

Why are you surprised.

Verizon Shahzadah Mar 25, 2020

He's busy sending nudes.

Amazon de5i Mar 25, 2020

With the same logic every rich person running charity of any kind, should refrain from trying to raise any funds until he donates every penny of his own. Amirite?

Thumbtack bgse43 Mar 25, 2020

This is for his own workers, not general public

Amazon Venti 🍌 OP Mar 25, 2020

With this, he is explicitly saying HIS OWN workers don't have the financial means to deal with an illness because they have a shitty employer

Creatix Mar 25, 2020

Stop making decisions from your LA mansion bozos

Oracle [[🦠]] Mar 25, 2020

Any idea how big is Amazon’s workforce? He can’t feed them all for long. Also, if Amazon closes we’ll have to go out more.

Creatix Mar 25, 2020

Dude Amazon ain’t closing in the day of shelter-in-place 😂 They are looking to hire 500,000 people to support demand.

Amazon Venti 🍌 OP Mar 25, 2020

Dude... Businesses has literally never been better for Amazon. Nobody wants to go outside to buy things, so they order from Amazon

Credit Karma BBB888 Mar 25, 2020

The article specifies contractors. Contractors are not employees. Amazon set aside $25M. Slightly sensationalized and misleading headline. There’s plenty of other billionaires and politicians in the US who couldn’t care less so not sure why the need to pick on Bezos. Don’t order from them if you’re that enraged.

Amazon Venti 🍌 OP Mar 25, 2020

Picking on Bezos because He. Is. Asking. Other. People. To. Donate. To. His. Workers. For. When. They. Get. Sick. He is the richest person on Earth. How do you not find that fucked up?

Microsoft 🏂🌮🍺# Mar 25, 2020

All Amazon FTEs have health insurance. Jeff asking for donations is tone deaf. But it doesn’t mean the headline properly reflects reality.

Taylor Farms quitoy Mar 25, 2020

Cheap asshole

Verizon Shahzadah Mar 25, 2020

Amazon donated just $1M. Just $1M ??? While he lives in his $167M mansion??? I know people are selfish, but this is another level. I dont expect the world's richest man to behave that way. Gone are the days when Warren Buffett happily donated $37B (yes $37 Billions) to Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.

Taylor Farms quitoy Mar 25, 2020

Buffet’s donation is not a real donation. ;) there are many things behind this move

Verizon Shahzadah Mar 25, 2020

Still better than Amazon's $1M.

Esri klokov_v3 Mar 25, 2020

Frugality with your resources, it’s a LP after all!

Taylor Farms quitoy Mar 25, 2020

Indeed. The flight attendants on his airline are like models!