PoliticsMay 15, 2019
MicrosoftKal El.

This pisses me off.

"China's theft of US trade and government secrets is not bad behavior by rogue Chinese individuals or organizations, it is government policy -- and it is one of the issues at the root of the trade war raging between the US and China today. One senior US law enforcement official described China's espionage apparatus to me as akin to a "tapeworm," feeding off tens of thousands of US institutions and individuals, to siphon away America's most treasured asset: its ingenuity. Beijing's goal is nothing short of surpassing the United States as the world's most powerful and most technologically advanced superpower. Chinese leaders would prefer to do so peacefully, but if there is a war, they want to level the battlefield." "This is about world domination and when or if there has to be a conflict—and unfortunately there probably will be one—they want to be mano-a-mano, if not better than the US, and that's what they've set their sights on for the last thirty or forty years," Anderson explained. https://cnn.it/2vZrUCB

'The Shadow War': How a Chinese spy stole some of the Pentagon's most sensitive secrets
'The Shadow War': How a Chinese spy stole some of the Pentagon's most sensitive secrets
Amazon Zmaaon May 15, 2019

All governments are doing the same for their nation. Just remember this and don’t evilize any government

Palo Alto Networks !💥 May 15, 2019

They're all being offensive or defensive?

TechLeed May 15, 2019

Didn't realize we should strive to support China's great internet firewall, propaganda, theft, and spying. Seems pretty corrupt to me. Shitty opinion if the best defense is "well everyone else does it, why should we care?"

csed May 15, 2019

The US did the same to the UK

Apple etubrute May 15, 2019

Nations have no allies. They only have interests.

LinkedIn cd- May 15, 2019

Hm 🤔 the US and A is not doing the same?

Broadcom Ltd. Poyayan May 15, 2019

Bottomeline, that means techies are valued or view as national treasures. Thats a good thing XD

Google ry5Q94 May 15, 2019

This is what gets me. If Russia did the same people would be calling for sanctions. In fact the non-neoliberal wing of the US government have been raising this issue since the 90s. This is your chance people. Why are you chickening out now?

TechLeed May 16, 2019

Orange man bad!

Credit Karma EllisDee25 May 15, 2019

I thought competition was supposed to be a virtue. It’s not like there’s a popular 50 year movie franchise about how awesome spies are or anything.

Credit Karma EllisDee25 May 15, 2019

I blame the media. Hollywood movies have taught China that spying is dope.

Microsoft yesterda May 15, 2019

Chinese stealers

Groupon sleepy May 16, 2019

Don’t put an excuse that everyone did the same, this way we should rationalise slavery and colonialism one day.

Amazon Zmaaon May 16, 2019

Then talk about USA

Groupon sleepy May 17, 2019

We are talking about US putting tariffs against China.

Apple castigator May 16, 2019

Every single country does this.

Microsoft Kal El. OP May 16, 2019

Scale and impact, dude. Who the fuck cares about other countries?

Apple castigator May 16, 2019

US and Israel are the top two countries perpetrating cyber warfare