Tier 4 staff Vs Tier 0 mid-level

Which would you choose, mid-level at tier 0: Airbnb, OpenAI, Netflix, Databricks. Or staff at tier 4: Adobe, Ebay, Squarespace, Yelp. Assuming pay is the same. Edit: I'm curious why as well Tc: 🥜 #software #faang #swe

124 Participants
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OpenAI QquL81 Mar 23

Optimize for trajectory, not title.

ByteDance semi;colon Mar 23

It's not just a title. Staff scope is much bigger

Google biih Mar 23

Bigger at some shit tier companies doesnt mean anything. Biggest fish in small ponds cant adjust to larger ponds easily

Google biih Mar 23

These choices dont make any sense

ByteDance semi;colon Mar 23

How can you put Adobe with Yelp. You got the tier 4 wrong imo

TD bideodornt Mar 23

What tier is td

Databricks whodidthi Mar 23

Tier 0. I don’t think we would interview ppl from the T4 companies you mentioned when we have top 5% of Google/Meta/AWS trying to get in all the time

Databricks bcgaixoapa Mar 23

I’ve worked with some adobe/yelp guys here in the past fwiw

Uber ouyr Apr 1

Meta guys aren't joining Databricks unless it's uplevel. Meta is literally tier 1 pay with liquid cash.

Airbnb thefonzz Mar 23

It would really depend on which companies. In general I’d pick staff but if it were something like openAI I’d be willing to be mid level there

Google huh??!? Mar 23

Tier 4 company candidate would probably get downleveled 3-4 times going to tier 0 company