TikTok Salary Negotiations

i Recently received an offer from TikTok for a 2-2 PM role. I responded to recruiter to negotiate on pay. They would not budge whatsoever. I felt like I had nothing else to say to change their mind. No company ever says no to even some adjustment. Has anyone else had this experience at TikTok? what should I do?

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Dell asl Mar 21

heard tiktok doesn’t negotiate pay much, remember reading about it from another post a few months ago

llllllI Mar 21

https://discord.gg/YjYjj6M2pn Join the TikTok active candidates discord

Stripe JgiB10 Mar 25

Hi! I am trying to use this, it’s showing invalid/ expired. Would you mind sharing a new link? Thanks.

TikTok YoBw32 Mar 22

Willingness to negotiate really comes down to how much they want you specifically, whether they have a decent amount of options, and which level their initial offer was in the band. If you’re definitely not willing to accept the offer as is the best thing to probably do is just say no to it - if they are happy to leave it at that then they never would have / could have budged, and if they do really want you they’ll start to negotiate

Amazon fHll2 6d

Op did you negotiate in the end? Did you accept?