Tech IndustryDec 27, 2023

TikTok a sweatshop?

i’ve committed to tiktok to intern as swe for next summer but i’m worried imma be slaved. my past experiences are amazon and workday

Rippling AGqX67 Dec 27, 2023

You don’t have choice anyway

dіslike_eu Dec 27, 2023

Tiktok is best company for work life balance

Microsoft Open A 👁️ Dec 27, 2023

Sweat soup 🥣

Meta isitover? Dec 27, 2023

Have an offer coming from them and contemplating this myself. Interested in other ppl’s opinions on this.

^_^ Dec 27, 2023


Uber 🌲🚀ghu😹 Dec 27, 2023

996 🇨🇳

ex-Microsoft 🔶🔷🔸🔹 Dec 27, 2023

1) if you don’t have any other option, just go for it 2) if it is your best option, go, learn and experience it, get a return offer to counter other potential offers (having said this new hire offers are not very negotiable, only maybe on RSUs)

Deloitte coronial Dec 27, 2023

Surprisingly a lot of useless red tape. And yes, there is little work-life balance. If you have other options, I’d suggest going elsewhere. Even though they say they are not subject to Bytedance. Everything requires their approval. It’s highly inefficient and political. Toxic work culture. Run if you can.