Tech IndustryMar 15, 2023

TikTok impact

I use TikTok and I spend about the same amount of time on social media (IG, Reddit, messenger, Twitter, Blind) as before and less time on streaming (YouTube, Netflix, etc). Explain to me how TikTok is going to take out social media companies? It’s not a social network. I don’t communicate with people on TikTok and I don’t care who I’m friends with or who follows me. I think YouTube should be the most scared as I much prefer the TikTok algorithm to the shitty YouTube algorithm and YouTube ads barrage TC 🌲

Bally’s Corporation LIFEv36 Mar 15, 2023

TikTok -> user traffic -> targeted ads -> clickthrough -> native shop OR external linkouts

Rivian JustAWagie Mar 15, 2023

Because social media isn’t about communicating with people anymore, it’s about providing mindless entertainment that people get addicted to, so you can sell them ads. Tell me your Facebook feed is actually people socializing with each other. I know mine isn’t anymore

Bank of America pqo Mar 15, 2023

Because TikTok is extremely addicting and people can’t stop scrolling