Time for something new! Referrals appreciated

Hi blinders! I’ve been at JPM making significant contributions for 1.5yrs and was up for promotion. Despite getting excellent yearly reviews, they’ve chosen to give me a 3% raise and not promote anyone on our team this year “due to budgetary concerns”. So, time for something new! Would be extremely grateful for any referrals and help TC: $159 YOE: 4 #microsoft #meta #amazon #goldmansachs #morganstanley #bankofamerica #citigroup #stripe #block #paypal #robinhood #fidelity #blackrock #bloomberg #mastercard #visa

TD imrandm Jan 17

Be thankful you have a job in this market. Having said that never stop interviewing.

Ford Motor Company ripjobs Jan 17

I’m right there with you. Been at the company for 1.5 years and just got shafted. No raise and no bonus. I’m done with this company

Visa yayV25 Jan 17

DM for Visa

FINRA flymehigh Jan 18

Is Visa remote?

Raytheon bellyjeans Jan 17

Dm for Raytheon

BlackRock TheBoxer Jan 18

Dm for BlackRock

PayPal Godofwarrr Jan 21

DM for PayPal