Time to promotion at Snap, industry hire L3

I've recently accepted an offer at Snap for an L3 position. I view myself as borderline between SDE1 and SDE2, and some of my other offers were for SDE2 equivalent positions. I went with Snap because the team was the best fit for me and I think I can learn the most, but perhaps most importantly because the L4 pay would blow the other positions out of the water. My question is how long should I expect it to take to get promoted to L4, assuming I ramp up quickly and start working at a "promotable" level ? What would be a reasonable target? I have a little under 2 years of experience, and I understand that L4's usually have 2-3 years of experience. I've also heard from a friend who works there now that the target to get promoted is working at the next level for a year. Does that mean the minimum time to a promotion would be a year? TC: ~$200k #snap #promotions

Riot Games 10CharLimi May 6, 2021

You could take a look at L4 data on levels.fyi to see how long people were at the company for

Amazon fe78f OP May 6, 2021

I've looked through it, and it seems like it's 2-3 years for the most part. But I didn't see many examples that seemed to be industry hire L3s. I feel that my position is that I should be able to hit the ground running and prove that I can be a great L4, so I'm wondering how long it should take from that point rather than from a new grad hire.

Weedmaps AUFy44 May 6, 2021

Expect at least a year