Tech IndustryJul 1, 2017

Travel Meal Policy

What's your company's meal expense policy when traveling? At eBay it's: Breakfast: $25 Lunch: $25 Dinner: $75 Hasn't changed in forever but feels generous!

Google sundar. Jul 1, 2017

75$ for one day. expected to use google cafe.

eBay InsideVoic Jul 2, 2017

how do you eat at Google cafe when traveling?

Facebook instandidl Jul 2, 2017

I get the cafe expectation for lunch and breakfast. For dinner that's bullshit and unreasonable.

GitHub MLNo20 Jul 1, 2017


GitHub 🦆ducky Jul 1, 2017

Even better, subtract $25 for each company provided meal. Meaning if you're visiting HQ in SF and they provide breakfast and lunch that day, you're left with $25 for dinner. 🙄

GitHub MLNo20♠ Jul 1, 2017

Develop a special allergy or religious need and then it's $75

Facebook nvm Jul 1, 2017


Facebook nvm Jul 1, 2017

wait...eBay gets 125/day...dang that is generous. consulting companies get more, think 200/day.

Google rockshock Jul 2, 2017

yes but then you are working at eBay so it kinda balances out

Cisco +nt-ispklm Jul 1, 2017

No limits given you know your limits; also depends on your role and department. — General guideline is: Use company money as if it was your own money.

Oracle angry Jul 1, 2017

Use company money as if your own money can be taken the other way around as well. Like heck yeah now I have millions of dollars and I can do whatever I want.

Facebook 🦍harambe Jul 1, 2017

Ye, glad to use personal money for fancy dinners that I'd never expense...

PayPal VBgu74 Jul 1, 2017

Paypal has same as eBay

Credit Karma whip Jul 1, 2017

$50/day, but anything higher can be approved by your manager

VMware nonamehere Jul 1, 2017

Generally 25:25:50. But more expensive areas have higher limits. I've been in cities where just my hotel breakfast has been 35 and there were no issues.

Yelp bitter Jul 1, 2017

Actually, you weren't forced to have any breakfast.

VMware nonamehere Jul 1, 2017

Let me fix my wording for your technical ass.

Microsoft justatech Jul 1, 2017

75/day unless entertaining customers

Cisco Yghiutr Jul 1, 2017

Cisco is a total of $100 per day