Design CareerApr 11, 2021

Twitch virtual onsite — any tips?

Hello designers! Anyone interview with twitch before? If so, any advice, questions, challenges you remember would be greatly appreciated! Will I be asked to apply Amazon values/principles? #design #interviews #ui/ux

basW75 Apr 11, 2021

I recently landed a design internship there, so take that into consideration. Recruiter gave me a PDF of Twitch’s principles (they aren’t online for some reason) and most the the behavioral questions stemmed from that. My interviews were quite conversational, and less Q/A style. Hope that helps

IBM thebum OP Apr 12, 2021

Thank you for reminding me about the principles!! Totally forgot my recruiter sent me that.

Samsung K-KZ Apr 13, 2021

Twitch principles? Are they very different to Amazon's?