Misc.May 13, 2022

Twitter Free Speech Policy

I don't like Twitter placing bans left, right and center(Hard Disagree on Trump ban) but at the end of the day it's an individual entity that can do whatever it wants. Why do people expect these companies to take the stance of a "GOD" where they must always do the right thing? TC 290K

Amazon cashis👑 May 13, 2022

They only ban right and some center voices. I can't recall any left bans anywhere near the volume of right n center bans. No one expects them to be fully ethical or God like, they just expect the company to be less poisonous than before. They can still censor speech, just a little less.

Google బాహుబలి OP May 13, 2022

I agree that twitter is ultra left and woke as fuck. But companies have always been the way how wallstreet wants them to be

LinkedIn ieiD55 May 13, 2022

Parag is God, Elon is bs

Microsoft BTC📉 May 13, 2022

Actually it can't do whatever it wants. You could make a claim it violates the 1st and 14th amendments. Individuals and entities also can't deny constitutional rights.

Google బాహుబలి OP May 13, 2022

If you have some time, could you type in detail what that means

Microsoft BTC📉 May 13, 2022

Most of the case law comes out of civil rights cases. Basically it views entities with a connection to the state as an extension of the state.

SAP hDMB44 May 13, 2022

Does this mean that CNN and Fox News can also publish whatever they want?

Google బాహుబలి OP May 13, 2022

If you didn't notice yet, they are already doing that

SAP hDMB44 May 13, 2022
