Two sigma comp

Are Two Sigma and other HFT keeping up with big tech in this crazy job market? Currently have offers from AWS (432K yearly), Tiktok (385K), Google (325K), and awaiting two sigma numbers. Joining TS sounds like a really great opportunity but $ is what matters most to me this early in my career. "prestige" means nothing to me FYI YOE: 2.75 TC: 265 #twosigma #hft #bigtech #engineering #google #meta #amazon

401 Participants
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UBS $420.69 Feb 23, 2022

All of two sigma may not be hft

Meta GuQy42 OP Feb 23, 2022

Position is on the securities side in a core HFT group

Intelligent Audit $this Feb 23, 2022

Idk but that AWS comp looks promising

ugsvrdgca Feb 23, 2022

citadel offer was 510k for new grad, my friends Jane street was 600K with competing offer from HRT and Citadel

Meta GuQy42 OP Feb 23, 2022

And these numbers are for SWE, not quant, correct?

ugsvrdgca Feb 23, 2022

ohhh ok mbmb they’re for quant trading, i’ve heard new grad is ~300K for swe at citadel (including sign on)

Super Micro Computer Ijqbsi Feb 23, 2022

Is there a direct progression following these quant firm roles? Quants seem to pay crazy upfront, but been wondering if big tech is still better long term.

Amazon akdke1934 Feb 23, 2022

L5 at amazon?

Meta GuQy42 OP Feb 23, 2022


Amazon rice_luver Feb 23, 2022

Can you break down the aws offer?

Meta GuQy42 OP Feb 23, 2022

Yearly target comp amount will be 432. First two years are bonus heavy and paid out monthly. Last two years rely more on stock. Prefer not to give exact numbers

ByteDance d5yNdu Feb 23, 2022

Wouldn’t Google match other offers?

Meta GuQy42 OP Feb 23, 2022

I tried to negotiate but they wouldn't match. I think they bank on people wanting the google "prestige" these days

ByteDance d5yNdu Feb 23, 2022

That gets me mad. Thanks for sharing

Google low tc Feb 23, 2022

Congrats on all these offers. How did you prep for system design? And how hard were LC questions for Two Sigma? LC Hards, or harder than that (competitive programming questions)?

Meta GuQy42 OP Feb 23, 2022

None of the questions I saw were on LC but I'd put them on the higher end of medium. Just have a good handle on the normal dfs, bfs, topological sorting, and the complexities of it.

Google low tc Feb 23, 2022

Oh wow, that sounds a bit too simple. Do you think you got lucky or is the bar not that high at Two Sigma? And how did you prep for system design?

Two Sigma TSSp Feb 23, 2022

Two sigma will not pay 400k+ for a 2 YOE. From the folks I know and data is that this year's comp break down is more like below. There's a bias in the firm where folks who were recently hired is usually on the top of the band, while folks who were here for a while is on the lower end. L1: 250-300k (0-2 YOE) L2: 250-325k (2-4 YOE) L3: 300-400k (4-6 YOE) L4: 400-500k (7+)

Meta GuQy42 OP Feb 23, 2022

This is good to know. The level I'm being targeted for is actually L3. Maybe the interviews went better than I realized? These numbers seem to lag behind big tech though :(

Two Sigma TSSp Feb 23, 2022

Wow, I didn't know we were that aggressive at leveling folks externally while super stingy internally, maybe you can pull off something if they can match amzn as the comp bands are constantly moving.

Two Sigma WDVl75 Mar 1, 2022

What did you end up getting OP?

Meta GuQy42 OP Mar 1, 2022

Still in negations. Will update the post later

Meta noob_eng Mar 3, 2022

What is the sign on bonus and yearly amount?