PoliticsFeb 3, 2018

U.S. on track to borrow nearly $1 trillion, an 84% jump from last year

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2018/02/03/the-u-s-government-is-set-to-borrow-nearly-1-trillion-this-year/?utm_term=.fa1ea0a071a0 Thought Republicans claim to be all about fiscal responsibility - apparently only in so far as it lines their own pockets

Analysis | The U.S. government is set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year
Analysis | The U.S. government is set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year
Washington Post
Cisco trump-et Feb 3, 2018

It's ok. It'll be paid for by all of us and our kids. Obviously we want to be slaves to the crooks who rule us. Why else would we vote for them? If you don't like to be ripped off by crooks don't vote for a crook. Don't stop me from being a sucker.

Oracle -/-/-/ Feb 3, 2018

Don’t worry. It will trickle down by $1.5 a week more and we will payback all those trillions.

Autodesk 🧟‍♂️⚰️ Feb 3, 2018

I don’t see it a big deal adding $1 trillion to an already $19 trillion debt.. No country or institution will ask US to pay the debts 😎

Oath L12 Feb 3, 2018

Not really...do you buy treasury bonds? That’s what a good chunk of that 19 trillion is. They’re owed to the countries own citizens. I’m sure if you have 401k in treasury bond, you’ll want that back some time.

Autodesk 🧟‍♂️⚰️ Feb 4, 2018

I take out all the money from 401K every 3 years and send that to China, my bank account in home country..

Microsoft 595gdj Feb 3, 2018

Does not matter. 1972 opec agreement backed usd with crude oil. Blank checks to infinity baby.

Microsoft NikkiTrump Feb 3, 2018

The petro-dollar is at risk. So, yeah, maybe not to infinity. https://www.rt.com/business/413107-petro-yuan-futures-trading/

Amazon Uriqin Feb 4, 2018

Make sense right, China is the biggest importer, while US is now net exporter? The trade will go China way from now on.

Amazon Hooliganss Feb 3, 2018

Has Trump ever given off the vibe he gives a rat’s ass about the deficit, lololol

AKQA Knocker Feb 4, 2018

Congress has the power to mint a $2 trillion coin. Problem solved

Cisco trump-et Feb 4, 2018

Yaay. We'll become Zimbabwe. Woohoo

Amazon Deep dodo Feb 4, 2018

If Zimbabwe had the military we have and their money is used in world trade, they would be OK.

Amazon Uriqin Feb 4, 2018

LoL, I think now Republicans can finally get off their high ground of being financially conscious party. It is only evil when the other party does it.

Amazon Deep dodo Feb 4, 2018

Couldn't believe we had a government shutdown because of this during Obama time but now we are all good.

Symantec Virus Feb 4, 2018


Netflix ricewater Feb 4, 2018

Well, Obama borrowed 9T in 8 yrs. With tax cut and more interests to pay. Trump does a good job if only 1T is borrowed

Tdbe77 OP Feb 4, 2018

Obama borrowed during a severe recession to prop up the economy - not in a booming economy to benefit himself and his 'friends'. Right now, coffers should be restocked for the next downturn. The booming economy is thanks to Obama measures. After just year of Republican policy the DOW is plummeting.

Netflix ricewater Feb 4, 2018

Obama is the worst president ever on GDP number. Let's not forget that. He's not the only one having a recession. A community organizer knows nothing but handouts