
Uber Onsite (Reject) Experience

Earlier this week I failed an onsite with Uber for L3/L4 SWE - 5 rounds (2 coding, 1 system design, 2 behavioral). I had one coding round that did not go optimally. Although it was a problem I solved and seen before in leetcode, my interviewer (one of the most senior engineers on the team) kept interrupting me and assuming ignorance on my behalf. Her english was not great, and she would question my decisions constantly in a very esoteric manner. When I asked for clarifications about her questions, she presumed that I did not understand certain software fundamentals rather than my misunderstanding of her english. Then, rather than giving me a chance to answer, she would go on to over explain instead of giving me a chance to answer/defend myself to her original points. I did not want to interrupt her, and instead just acted as agreeable as possible. When I got my feedback, essentially it boiled down this interview experience deciding that I was currently not fit for the team. ROUGH ): TC: peanuts LC: 500 (160/280/60) #software #swe #uber

Microsoft ideveloper Feb 10, 2021

Impressive LC stats :) How long did it take you to get to these numbers? How much time does it take you for an unseen LC medium after this?

KPMG strugglin OP Feb 10, 2021

It took me 6 months of daily leetcoding to get to these numbers (June - December 2020). I have resolved the top 100, blind 75 and generally popular questions at least 2-3 times at this point. I would say I currently can solve most medium questions within 10-20 minutes. I struggle at times with bottom up dp solutions for unseen problems, but can generally always come up with a top down w/ memo solution.

Belkin International awlO78 Feb 10, 2021

The interruptions happened for me in the live coding.Then taking over and modifying code without talking to me about it. Sure, it's easy for them to solve, they came up with the question. Give me a chance to analyze things before interrupting and thinking I'm slow. Hard to get through a full thought when someone keeps rushing you.

KPMG strugglin OP Feb 10, 2021

This is exactly how I felt lol

Walmart nasgul Feb 10, 2021

When interviews go like this, you know for sure you are not going to get in. Throw away your interviewee hat and chat with your interviewer like a colleague. If he/she interrupts you tell him/her that they should let you complete your thoughts and not interrupt you.

KPMG strugglin OP Feb 10, 2021

That's great advice. I felt like I should've interjected, but wanted to be polite Next time I'll be more proactive

Visa kuttatommy Feb 10, 2021

Did you complete codesignal initially for phone interview? Job market is crazy rn

Salesforce Oqmu10 Mar 3, 2021

Where is blind 75 ?