Uber eats team match, msft hiring

Had a hm call with uber eats 2 weeks ago. Did not get amazing vibes from the hm about the team. Wondering how the team is nowadays if any insiders can speak candidly? Also, how should I approach the the recruiter about this, how hard can rejecting this team bounce off me in this climate, heard people being stuck in team match for ages in Meta and G, not uber tho Also, we are hiring a bunch in msft, dm for referral. TC: 130K, EU

UPS BfMH67 Mar 19

DM sent about MSFT referrals

Chime sshhh!! Mar 19

Is Microsoft hiring for l65?

Microsoft Fleor OP Mar 19

I see a lot of hiring spam from my network, so probably yes

VMware lmkjgdy Mar 19

You hiring for what roles ?

Microsoft Fleor OP Mar 19

Pretty much around the board

Uber NjVk35 Mar 19

Run away. It’s toxic af right now

Microsoft Fleor OP Mar 19

Yeah I got that vibe, are other teams better? Or Uber in general.

Uber NjVk35 Mar 19

I can only speak for Eats. Not sure about rides

Uber delwa2 Mar 19

Uber eats is not good surely. Did you try for Aarhus?

Microsoft Fleor OP Mar 19

Yes, Aarhus. Is that location particularly bad?

Uber delwa2 Mar 19

Engineer or Manager role?