Tech IndustryMar 4, 2019

Uber product analyst interview

Any tips for data analyst interview at Uber? What type of SQL questions or experimentation questions do they ask on the TSP phone interview?

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Uber Kvdp12 Mar 5, 2019

Very tough sql questions, stats and basic math

Cisco CZdSrst Apr 13, 2019

Can you clarify a little more on what to expect in stats and math

Cisco CZdSrst Apr 13, 2019

Also any Python questions? Or for coding it’s mainly sql?

Sasha333 Apr 11, 2022

Hi! I know that this is really stressful but I know you can do it, just keep your head up! and to help you, I strongly recommend the tried and true methods of LeetCoding and use to get exposure to the SQL-related concepts and questions.