Tech IndustryDec 9, 2022

Unfair leveling of acquisition employees at Google. Am I reasonable or salty?

I used to be a group tutor in college and had a classmate who would attend my tutoring session for the simplest problems. He barely passed the classes with endless helps from our group members. Out of school I joined Google and worked hard for 2 yrs to reach L4 just a month ago. This classmate joined Mandiant and he was promoted three times (jr swe, mid swe, sr swe) in 2 yrs. ex-mandiant colleague told me that it's a much smaller company and they promote very fast based on much lower bar outputs. My problem is that this classmate is now L5 with much higher TC. Internal sources and other blind posts indicate that mandiant employees levels transferred same to Google's. I've seen his side projects on github and they are nowhere near L5 quality of work. Is it reasonable for me to be upset over how things have turned out or am I just a salty sore loser? YoE: 2.5 TC: 280k #google #mandiant #gcp

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Kisi JKYR45 Dec 9, 2022

Welcome to life nerd. It's unfair and shit sucks. Make peace with it and move on. The faster you realize that many don't get what they deserve (be it good or bad), the less depressed you'll be.

Google bvpwo OP Dec 9, 2022

Thanks, this is what I really needed to hear. Many told me "life is unfair" but actually experiencing it is quite different. No need for me to justify how I feel other than to simply accept the whole situation and move on

Meta mYJc24 Dec 9, 2022

Another thing you’ll learn in a few years is the longer you stay at a company, the lower your salary at your level is going to be. So an L5 who’s been at the company for 5 years would get paid a lot less than an L5 who’s just joining. That’s why people keep company hopping.

Microsoft C@ffine Dec 9, 2022

That’s life

Airbnb TC || GTF0 Dec 9, 2022

The best way to make more money and get a higher level is to con a company into hiring you at that level. Even if you do 100 interviews fail 99 of them but 1 company gives you that higher title and more TC it is worth it. Rinse and repeat every 1 to 2 years to maximize TC.

Meta nshGgbGt+j Dec 9, 2022

If you feel this way, you feel this way. Reason doesn't have to be a part of this. There's nothing you can do about it except work towards your promo or maybe go out crush some snap company fish and then come back a more senior person

Google StadiaRIP Dec 9, 2022

Life is unfair so don't overthink about it. I had a colleague who is terrible at coding and was fired due to multiple severe bugs he made. Then he joined a pre IPO which exited. Now he's a millionaire. But so what. Just concentrate on your own work and maybe some day you will become the lucky one

ByteDance Techtatio Dec 9, 2022

Sounds like classmate could of potentially been more inclined to collaborate and achieve 1+1= 3 results. Also, start ups are super hard and risky. People take the risk because of the upwards reward. Totally understand the frustration, but ya you sound like you just rolled out of a salt mine 😁.

Google DjuG76 Dec 9, 2022

Mandiant wasn't a startup, it was a nearly 20 year old multibillon top performer in cybersecurity consulting.

ByteDance Techtatio Dec 9, 2022

I regret nothing

Amazon personym Dec 9, 2022

Well, given the new grad ratings, they will be headed for NE/M

JPMorgan Chase UWWU Dec 9, 2022

Think long term - true winners will prevail in the end.

Kisi JKYR45 Dec 9, 2022

No they don't. We like to tell ourselves shit like this to feel better.

Pikaboy! Dec 10, 2022

Lol as long as y continue to define life as winning and losing y will never be at peace. There is no final redemption only regrets about spending too much time thinkging abt other people.

Google bvpwo OP Dec 9, 2022

Hard to reply to everyone. Guess I was just trying to be childish and justify my bitterness. Thanks for nailing some truths of life in me!

ServiceNow protip Dec 9, 2022

Dont you worry OP. Sometimes a kick is needed for that extra motivation, hey that guy who was a nobody can achieve this - so can I. Keep this attitude, work hard and make your own destiny. Congrats that person on what he/she achieved. And work on improving for your own promo. Long run - you both might be successful- one a little more than the other - but that’s life.