Upgrading college stamp

I was looking into Gatech and UT Austin's online masters programs in computer science. I already have a master's in cs but it's from an okayish school (uni of Utah). My prime motivation is to get a better school's branding on my resume and also complete some AI/ML curriculum while I am at it (I didn't do any ML coursework previously but did some self study leveraging Coursera). Am I foolish to invest time on this? Both programs are around 10k so tuition is no problem at all. TC: 340k, yoe: 9

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Shopify bizinsider Sep 16, 2023

Why get a masters 😂😂

Amazon GXrnTPfv Sep 16, 2023

I don’t think you’re allowed to apply for a MS CS if you already have one. Check if any of those top schools offer a certificate/diploma in AI/ML. Consider taking some courses as a non degree student. Or just do a MS in data science if you really want another degree.

Shopify bizinsider Sep 16, 2023

You'll get rejected right out of the gate. There's no way any school will let you do another ms in CS especially if it's already a recognized American school. Like why don't you just take ml courses on the side and build some side projects? You have 9 years of experience under your belt school isn't gonna do shit

Shopify bizinsider Sep 16, 2023

I'm going back to school cause my undergrad is in philosophy and I want to get a TN and move to US. You don't have a purpose to go back. Especially when you can take all those courses as a non degree student