Use headhunters or not - landing a job in hedge funds

Is it beneficial to go via headhunter route compared to directly contacting company recruiter? Is it helpful to use headhunters? Assuming companies need to pay commission, does it affect my salary if I choose to go the headhunter route?

Bloomberg YHTp12 Apr 18, 2020

get a referral

Slalom Consulting TfRqvgyu Apr 18, 2020

Just message company recruiters directly or get referral

Barclays PLC resident2 Apr 18, 2020

Headhunters I think are more usually used for tradition roles within hedge funds.

Google :) Earth OP Apr 18, 2020

What if there is no way to get referral but the choice is between contacting recruiter directly vs headhunter?

Roku bulldawg Apr 18, 2020

Why not both?

Google :) Earth OP Apr 18, 2020

What if company meant to offer me 400k but headhunter would take 25k so ends up offering me 375k? Numbers are for example only.

bAyQ68 Apr 18, 2020

I have heard mixed on this, seems like you can do without but could be beneficial in certain cases as well

tendrgreen Apr 18, 2020

Definitely begin networking on your own initiative and find people who you can be close with regardless of their firm/open opportunities. Amazing how many doors open when you know the right people.

SecureTrust Danarys111 Apr 19, 2020

. LinkedIn all the way. Just find the job req, email recruiter or see if you have connections in common. Company would rather use internal referrals vs having to pay a headhunter

Mellon FpJw36 Apr 19, 2020

Lol sometimes I find it more successful to go with headhunters tbh

Bloomberg bhaboh Apr 19, 2020

I did that for my first job, it was a mixed experience I would say, on one head it's true they negotiate on your behalf, but they also want to close the deal rapidly with you so they will pressure you into accepting the position

Barclays PLC dh36fs28 Apr 19, 2020

I think anything beats cold applying

First Republic Dosa Apr 19, 2020

@Op it doesn’t affect your salary. Also messaging a company is like farting into a black hole if you don’t already have a SOLID connection there. Finally I’ve literally never gotten a gig I applied for, because what internal recruiters have to sort through is so vast. I have been hired by internals pinging me but never the other way around. Also I’ve been hired after being engaged by headhunters. Good luck!

Citibank SUfD16 Apr 19, 2020

Farting in a black hole 😂

BGIS UpHx28 May 5, 2020

I died