HR IssuesOct 4, 2019

"Voluntarily" forced out early

I told my former employer i was entertaining offers in an attempt to get a raise or ofncourse leave the company. I never gave a formal 2 weeks notice. They called me in the office a few days later and basically told me my quit date. I told them that is fine. It was 2 weeks away. Then out of the blue they think of a reason to force me out even earlier. Seems kinda petty but i am just curious if that is normal.

/username Oct 4, 2019

Ask for severance!

Bank of America i < n Oct 4, 2019

It is fairly normal. I remember when I was going to resign from a place. I informally told my manager that I would be leaving, and will send out the official resignation soon. I know it was naive. He told me, "no. Now that you have told me, I'll consider this as your resignation and your notice starts now". Of course, they didnt force me out, but my point is that it is their call.

rhTn71 Oct 4, 2019

But did you get severance? Or you didn't ask as you were already quitting

ForRent 🌀⛈️ Oct 4, 2019

Can any HR personnel please enlighten us on this kind of behavior ? Why does this happen ? This is so petty. I have heard in the past that IF you are joining a competitor then you are forced out immediately after they know that.

Bloomberg GO<GO>/BAR Oct 4, 2019

You can be voluntarily terminated at any time in @ will employment. Check with your state if they have to pay you for PTO and ask for that. Also since they are getting rid of you without a performance reason you ask for severance if they have any in your contract.

Bloomberg GO<GO>/BAR Oct 4, 2019

Doest say anything of him doing anything in writing. They are telling him to quit, and submit his resignation. And now they want it earlier. Seems like they are pressuring him to make a rush decision because they don't have a good reason to fire him without being on the hook for severance. Why shouldn't he bring up the parting terms? It's like with raises and everything else. If it's not in writing, it never happened.

Amazon 🍌s on 🔥 Oct 4, 2019

Check you state laws but most are employment at will. So they do not have to have any reason to fire you. This is why the US is far behind in employee rights.

zcFO78 OP Oct 4, 2019

I have an offer. It wasn't a bluff. I was fine with the 2 week timeline and agreed to that. I did not agree to a early and unexpected removal.

Apple MakingIt Oct 4, 2019

It’s at will employment in California at least. Your termination day can be any date. They don’t have to fire you with cause

CenturyLink dspyg Oct 4, 2019

They will pay you for the 2 weeks you agreed on