Tech IndustryJan 13, 2022

Work at Analystics Company like Mixpanel Heap

Hi! I got reached out by recruiters from Analytics companies (especially Mixpanel and How do these companies compare against each other? Can folks who have worked in these companies share some insights on the culture, wlb, career growth etc? Both Mixpanel and Heap are similar series startups. On Glassdoor I see a very high rating for Heap. However I am not able to find enough posts on as compared to Mixpanel. Anyone who work at Heap, can you share some insights on how it is working there? TC: 210k Yoe: 4 #tech #mixpanel #heap

Heap goJu80 Jan 13, 2022

I work at heap, it’s a great company with awesome culture. What roles are you looking at? If it’s an eng role senior software engineers make roughly 350 tc with base and equity. The data science team is incredible and we are disrupting product analytics with this auto capture technology. Feel free to dm me and we can talk about the company more!

Mixpanel cGgk21 May 15, 2022

DM for Mixpanel