Work VisaApr 9, 2021

Were there H4 EAD delays before COVID-19?

I’m sad seeing so many people lose jobs due to H4 EAD not being approved on time. What is even the purpose of the EAD if the processing times continue to be insanely long and you don’t get to keep your jobs? Are these delays due to reduced USCIS workforce during the pandemic? How was it to work on H4 EADs before? Did folks get approvals on time so they can continue with their jobs? And what do you guys think will be the fate of H4 EAD in Biden’s administration? I see some reforms in the news such as introducing premium processing for H4 EAD but I don’t think it is in effect yet. Also I hear there are legal plans to make the H4 EAD stick as a more permanent option, so that it doesn’t get revoked easily whenever there is a change in governance. #workvisa #h1b #h4 #h4ead #h4eadprocessingtime

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SAP poosalary Apr 9, 2021

1 year passed

Discover Financial Services Writer90 Apr 9, 2021

My wife’s EAD took 1.5 years and this was before COVID. And her H1 was denied before that. It sucks. She had to quit and sit at home. It damaged her confidence so bad. It is tough.

Asurion tokkale Apr 10, 2021

There will be no improvement as these delays are intentional.

zoomery Apr 23, 2021

I see a few approvals in 4-5 months on Trackitt. Maybe things are improving ?