What are benefits like in PayPal?

Can anyone share some insights on benefits at PayPal? (I am aware of 401k match, PTO, insurance) - Is it easy to get the 5k$ learning budget approved? - What about lunch/dinner (in-office and current situation) - WFH help during Covid (equipments, food, internet, etc) - Anything else that’s worth knowing?

PayPal 530 Jul 23, 2020

Manager dependent Subsidized lunch in SJ office Some budget. Not everything Good WLB most teams, great in some. Depends on org

PayPal mihvcfhbfd Jul 23, 2020

Lunch is not subsidized. I used to pay $10 for lunch every day for basic things like pasta. WLB kinda sucks if you have to talk with other time zones which PMs have to do most of the time

Pocket Gems wdMp42 OP Jul 25, 2020

Thanks for answering. How’s the growth/ promotion prospects for an IC and EM? Also, do you know how’s the work politics and culture?