What are the chances of a WITCH guy making it into FAANG?

People of blind who made this transition - how was your experience? Were there any -ve biases towards WITCH people in hiring? How difficult was it to switch? TC: 14 LPA YOE: 2.5 years P.S. Not working at TCS anymore. #tech #faang #witch #meta #apple #netflix #wipro #infosys #tataconsultancyservices #cognizant #hcl

Meta y r u gae? Jan 16

Hey brother You can do anything if you put your mind to it. It takes Lc prep and sys design. Prep rep and apply. Don’t limit your self. Don’t label yourself “WITCH guy” that’s kinda gae. Good luck

Liberty Mutual Insurance Khbi70 Jan 16

Not always. Natural Talent, luck, connections play a major part too. Just putting mind to something is not a clear cut recipe fr everyone.

Tata Consultancy Services .xxxxxxxx. OP Jan 16

@Meta Have tried everything you mentioned. I don't think it's that easy as you make it sound. As @Liberty said luck and connections play a major part.

startitnow Jan 16

Random WITCH person: next to impossible. WITCH guy with 500LC and solid systems design AND the ability to get an interview call. Very very high

startitnow Jan 16

And it doesn’t have to be WITCH to FAANG. You can easily add a startup or so in between to keep enhancing your chances.

Tata Consultancy Services .xxxxxxxx. OP Jan 16

Could you please elaborate the "ability to get an interview call" part? What can a person do apart from a well crafted resume, updated LinkedIn profile and proper prep for LC and sys design rounds and constant applying?

Meta just!sad🌎 Jan 16

There are so many folks from witch/ Accenture/ Deloitte and other consulting firms in FAANG. Yes, anything is possible. Focus on skill set and prepare for interviews that’s about it.

Intel hxisks Jan 16

It doesn't matter as long as you can code and clear the interviews. I know a lot of people from witch who are in faang.

Liberty Mutual Insurance Khbi70 Jan 16

There's a perception in Faang that witch guys are low IQ and bring poor Indian culture to companies. But once in a while, with exceptional performance, you can break that perception.

ByteDance Work Visa Jan 16

Every WITCH guy I've worked with or met was low IQ. At my first job, a 30 year old WITCH sde joined at the same time as me and was literally emailing code "for backup" and struggled with Git. If you asked him to study about a tool (like a queue or some cloud component), he would make a Word doc and copy-paste parts of the user guide without even reading it. I don't think you understand just how bad WITCH is. In India they are hired at INR 3.5 lakh ($4200) per year (no typo). Even Uber drivers and street food sellers in India make more than that. Their whole business model is "we'll hire anybody off the street and train them."

Tata Consultancy Services .xxxxxxxx. OP Jan 16

@ByteDance I understand your perception but you are just generalising here. Witch folks may not be at the technical acumen of an average FAANG person but not everyone is as bad as you are cherry picking from the example. And not everyone is getting paid 3.5 - I was hired at TCS at 7 LPA as a fresher which is a decent salary (also it's all base so not bad considering India's cost of living). Infosys also have introduced higher paying roles for new grads (9 LPA) and same goes for other witch companies. The deserving candidates get the salary and the folks who get hired at 3.5 are given equal chance to upgrade to 7 and 10LPA with interal exams.

Microsoft QTSP62 Jan 16

I did the jump. If you want to, first move to product or startup company. Then make the jump to FAANG. You won't even get a interview call directly.

Tata Consultancy Services .xxxxxxxx. OP Jan 16

How much time did it take to jump to your first Product company? I am still relatively early in my career and don't want to get stuck in the service companies for life. 😞

GSK memeo Jan 17

Is prestige really that important for you? I work in pharma (not in GSK anymore) and have a base of 73L for 12+ yoe. 15L bonus. No shares though. The next promo will grant me shares but very low (max 5L a year) But I live a less stressful life than faang guys with better job security. My base and bonus may not beat faang pay (base +bonus) but it certainly would do well when compared with median faang pay. Do you really want to stick to faang just for this so called prestige??

Google L0o0L Jan 16


Google nomatter😐 Jan 16

My former manager had a pretty long stint at a WITCH and he’s now a hot shot at my old job, pretty high up in the ranks too. I don’t think I’m half as good as him. No one says you can’t do it. If anyone tells you that, don’t listen.

Microsoft 🥜 allergy Jan 16

50/50 You either do or you don’t

Tata Consultancy Services .xxxxxxxx. OP Jan 16

blind comments are 50/50 either helpful or not helpful

Okta authO Jan 16

Search for Google, Microsoft or uber employees on LinkedIn. A lot of them started from WITCH(specially TCS)

Bloomberg BRUH<GO> Jan 18

Aren’t a lot of those cases WITCH -> MS in the US -> FAANG though? I feel that’s a bit different