Tech IndustryJun 4, 2021

What companies you would never work for?

Share a company and 1 quick why. Here's my list: Snowflake – Scumbag CEO is ignorant about diversity and inclusion. Coinbase – Want to live in a world where people don't have opinions about injustice. Basecamp – Coinbase copy cat + where white supremacists thrive. Facebook/Instagram – Robotic CEO tries to escape from accountability. #tech #politics #culture Ps: not saying Lyft is any better, but those are in my list. Edit: * A M A Z O N * Y O U S U C K * 💩💩💩

Oracle zuluzu Jun 4, 2021


Amazon Japannb Jun 4, 2021

Amazon - amen

Amazon brazil- Jun 4, 2021


Qualtrics qfvO54 Jun 4, 2021


KLA-Tencor jd64hdK Jun 4, 2021

After all of the comments on Blind, Amazon

Psynaptic Jun 4, 2021

Lol, you sound like a snowflake liberal that let's the perfect be the enemy of the good. Anyone that isn't up to par with your spectacular morals is ignorant, supporting injustice, or a white supremacist.

Psynaptic Jun 4, 2021

The very question made it political, idiot. Read it.

Stripe SyncTime Jun 4, 2021

Classic Americans, shit show central when it comes to stuff like this -- feelings constantly hurt no matter their leaning. Just grow a pair.

Amazon MlmV65 Jun 4, 2021


Facebook Melonwater Jun 4, 2021

FB - Full of leetcode monkeys who can't even tie their own shoes without mommy / spouse to help. Google - Full of leetcode monkeys who can't even tie their own shoes without mommy / spouse to help. Amazon - Amazon

AT&T w8916 Jun 4, 2021

> works at FB > says he wouldn't want to work for FB hmmmmmmm

Plaid WbQg45 Jun 4, 2021

Melonwater is 💩

Google xHew54 Jun 4, 2021


Microsoft oECr52 Jun 4, 2021

Amazon and FB