IndiaMar 3

What do TCS, CTS, Accenture employees do in the US?

If you are in one of these consultancies working as an H1B, what do you do? Like real coding programming? Or just plain old maintenance, like back in India? Why do these companies pay you a huge salary to bring and keep you here?

24 Participants
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Salesforce ragaismad Mar 3

They pay them less in US than what engineers in faang are paid in india. In India senior engineers can easily make 150-250k at faang , while WITCH companies pay their engineers salaries like 120k in hcol

LinkedIn h🥜🥜🥜🥜 Mar 3

Look for small consulting companies who can either transfer their H1b or apply for a new H1B

spendl Mar 3

You talk like you know everything and think "I can treat people working in these companies like some low life by making such a poll" Everyone's journey is different.

Broadcom Ltd. taptap02 Mar 3

Queue up gc Saaftware maintainence and support IT Coolies

ex-Cognizant TvuR87 Mar 3

Here is what I did .. did not concentrate on work at all .. whatever 50k I saved in 2010 put in apple and then kept it till now .. then 3 years back out 30k in nvidia .. also during covid put 20k in moderna when it was 16$… I learned one thing this coding is shit won’t make me rich but following Peter lynch and buffet made wonders and also had Tesla at 48$ thanks to another cts friend who told me about it

Salesforce SF-coaster Mar 5

Interesting. Did you plan these moves after just reading Peter Lynch's books?

ex-Cognizant TvuR87 Mar 5

lol nah

ex-Cognizant TvuR87 Mar 3

Forgot to mention gc in eb1

Salesforce SF-coaster Mar 5

Where is the option of "Licking Client's arse"? PS: I have worked in WITCH companies for 8 yrs to fully understand what happens.

ex-Cognizant TvuR87 Mar 5

Of course you licked real hard … the client is in icu … else how could you have landed in USA ..

Salesforce SF-coaster Mar 6

Please don't judge. I have never been outside India. Left that pathetic game of chasing onshore opportunities after getting scammed by WITCH companies for 8 yrs. The only way you get onshore is by licking someone's arse. Hard work doesn't get you there.