
What happens when Blind users are exposed

In a data leak? Will it be as bad as Ashley Madison? Will people lose jobs?

71 Participants
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Meta metAI Apr 15

There's nothing to leak, in theory

Qualcomm Mohlo Apr 15

Nothing to leak because everything posted on blindnis useless hot air

Walt Disney WaltD Apr 15

Come and get me Bobby Iger

LinkedIn hdghxhrhdh Apr 15

even blind doesn’t know who you are because they claim not storing any information

Meta fsfsfa Apr 15

that's incorrect. They use email as ID, and each post is associated with an ID (so you can edit your old post)

Lockheed Martin sncHd22 Apr 15

I don’t say anything controversial unless not liking my job is a crime

Intuit lusgcsj Apr 15
