Tech IndustryMar 30, 2019

What is worse? Reneging in accepted offer or quitting within a month?

As title suggests, what is worse from a HM perspective? Candidate bailing on an accepted offer or leaving within their first month of joining? Candidate perspective, is it worse from a career perspective to renege and potentially get blacklisted or quit within first month causing a lot of frustration and anger potentially. Which would you do if confronted with said choice due to another better offer? Etc. #Microsoft, #Lyft, #Uber, #Amazon, #Apple

274 Participants
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Twitter hodgesodge Mar 30, 2019

Leaving in the first month obviously. WLB Mar 30, 2019

Neither is good. However, business is business. If you showed interest again and i had headcount still, i would say welcome again.

Google Huhf13 Mar 30, 2019

Leaving in first month is far worse

Facebook sandberg Mar 30, 2019

Why? There's no requirement that you have to stay for 2 years minimum.

Microsoft yiqing Mar 30, 2019

Did that at Google. :(

Google snidely Mar 30, 2019

If you start and leave they've invested more time in you. They've told other candidates to pound sand, etc.

Adobe t3: Mar 30, 2019

Making this a poll. Leaving first month is disgusting.

SAP watchero Mar 30, 2019

I think it’s obvious, think about it: - Reneging: In a big corporation, an HM deals with many candidates, so even if we feel all eyes are on us, you are just one of many accepted candidates. Yes, it’s not ideal but an experienced HM should accept some candidates bailing and should be ready to spring to action to find a new person (maybe from an internal waitlist) - Quitting within first month: This sucks because people from the company have invested in you even if its for a month. And this investment is big. Imagine the IT department ensuring you have all hardware and software setup, your manager ensuring you have credentials and access, introductions made around, people showing you around, manager charting a plan for your career, training sessions etc. And now if you quit, you not only throw all their efforts in their face, but the issue becomes personal as you have met and interacted with a whole lot of people and are not just a name in the HM’s system. It also hurts morale, other employees may feel what they did wrong or if their culture is not good. Overall, not a good scenario and you really look like a jerk. Now, of course if you have a legitimate reason to quit such as sexual harassment etc then more power to your brother/sister

bazingaaa OP Mar 30, 2019

I like your thorough response. Thanks

bazingaaa OP Mar 30, 2019

Attached a poll as well

Twitter hodgesodge Mar 30, 2019

Why? Its a dumb question. Both options have the same end result but one has a far larger cost. It's like saying what's the worst way to die, in your sleep or getting kicked in the balls and then shot.

Intel DonaldDD's Mar 30, 2019

The poll sucks, the question is posed poorly. The last question is the inverse of the title. Quitting within a month is horrible

Amazon Fprs52 Mar 30, 2019

Just ask your hm over an informal lunch and how would he/she deal with this. You may be surprised to hear their answer and choose to not leave

Indeed piiii Mar 30, 2019

Poll is almost 50 50, not sure if these are all by new grads. As a hiring manager, I have dealt with offer reneges several times in the past. It's not a big deal though it is very frustrating. Leaving within a month spoils the morale of the team and causes self doubt among employees if everything is normal in the company. As a hiring manager I'd say if you are not interested better let me know asap, rather than joining and pulling out.

bazingaaa OP Mar 30, 2019

Appreciate the hiring manager perspective!

Microsoft cantwinall Mar 30, 2019

Absolutely leaving within first month is worse for everyone involved—the hiring manager, the team, the organization, and equally importantly the candidate. Why would you d!ck around for a whole month of paperwork meetings ramp orientation socialisation when you know fully well that you’re leaving in a month? I’m actually shocked the poll is 5050, can’t possibly be people thinking this through.

Microsoft cantwinall Mar 30, 2019

Actually I think I know why it’s 5050, your title says which is worse, and just before the poll you say which would you do. Pretty darn confusing.

Twitter hodgesodge Mar 30, 2019

Yeah op is..... Special