What seniority titles do Yelp IC4 write?

What seniority titles do Yelp IC4/Level 4 engineers write outside (or Inside Yelp), on LinkedIn profile, or otherwise... Is it Senior or Staff or something else? I would appreciate comments from Yelp employees. Thanks in advance :) #yelp

Yelp FiscalJam Feb 25, 2022

Most people just put Software Engineer in my experience. Our IC levels can be kept private if we wish

Yelp B.Obama Feb 25, 2022


Yelp โš›๏ธ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿงช๐Ÿค‘ Feb 26, 2022

Staff. IC4 means designing/building/leading projects that impact multiple/other teams/orgs (working beyond your teams scope). IC3 is a senior engineer who can design/build/lead projects at their team level; this is also considered a terminal level meaning if devs are happy here there is no pressure to move up the latter.

Yelp Pip Obama Mar 1, 2022

Strong disagree. There are so many IC4s that are solid senior engineers but would absolutely not make the cut at other companies with staff titles like stripe, Google, meta, etc

Meta Meta Ape Feb 17, 2023

When I was at Yelp, I got promo to IC3 within my first cycle only 2 years of experience total after college ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Meta Meta Ape Feb 17, 2023

IC3 probably canโ€™t equal senior engineer or I must have been extremely killing it