Tech IndustryNov 30, 2022

What to do with lack of motivation in this economic environment

Everywhere you look it's hiring freezes and layoffs. I've been at Amazon for almost a year now but I feel zero motivation to do any work. I'm not sure if I'm burnt out or what but I find it hard to focus on anything, I'm constantly getting distracted by the smallest things and find myself sitting in front of my desk just wasting time on Instagram/blind/etc. Honestly even if I'm not laid off next year I might just get pipped. I'm not sure what to do anymore to find that motivation I once had years ago. I tried changing jobs and changing teams with no luck. I know I need to change my habits but even with the economic environment I'm finding it hard to do so. Any help or advice will be appreciated.

Microsoft FqpJ45 Nov 30, 2022

Take a vacation and unplug - that should help in the short term Alternately talk to a therapist for longer term solutions.

Amazon KToones Nov 30, 2022

I somewhat disagree with this. Vacations are great as long as you’re on them, but a place like Amazon will smack you right back in the face with stress the second you log back in. This is the first company I’ve worked at where no one actually asks you about your vacation and what you did. The work is so intense and chaotic all the time.

Microsoft iihfy Nov 30, 2022

I am feeling the same☹️

Square 🕷💨🕸 🦋🌸 Nov 30, 2022

A break, a really long break would do wonders. Take the year off. Instead of working for half pay today and half assing at your job, live this year to the fullest. You’ll look back fondly at this year if you do that. Otherwise it’ll be just a boring year that flew by while you got closer to death by another year.

NTT Data xflighter Nov 30, 2022

You need to get smacked on the face to wake up. Are you smoking something ? You are lucky to be in a job and so start working more . Work 25 or 50% more so you won't be on the chopping block. Vacation, long break etc is for those who worked a long time and can afford to be jobless

Bloomberg melon <go> Nov 30, 2022

You need a break. Good 1-2 week vacation somewhere out in nature would get you fixed

Amazon Bor@Bor@ Nov 30, 2022

It’s contradictory that when there are fewer jobs available elsewhere that you don’t find motivation to work harder in your current one. Try some therapy sessions if that helps

Financial Service Company hrzD43 Nov 30, 2022

Don’t listen to folks gaslighting your burnout. There’s a larger class conflict playing out in American work culture between employers and employees, with the latter being kicked in the face by the central bank policy. If you find corporate tech roles toxic and soul crushing (many people feel the same) think about what your end goal is and make a plan to get out.

Amazon d139387117 Nov 30, 2022

Same boat :/ I took a month off earlier this year for bereavement and I was hoping I’d find my motivation again on return, but if anything it’s worse than before. I realize this isn’t helpful but you aren’t alone in this situation

Camino Financial dakusardar Nov 30, 2022

Here is a thought experiment. Assume your life is a movie and you are watching it in your mind. Now fast forward 3 months from and see yourself in a jobless situation. The following will likely unfold for you: Joblessness comes with several soul crushing things that are much worse than what you may be feeling now. The following have happened to countless people and they will very likely happen to you too: 1. Lack of money 2. Lack of self respect when you have been out of jobs for weeks or months 3. Fake sympathy from your so called friends 4. Lack of love and affection from your “loved” ones. 5. Cost cutting mindset… always looking at the right side of the menu 6. Lack of motivation to do anything 7. Difficulty sleeping 8. Loss of health 9. Anxiety Now rewind and come back. We have been fortunate for the last decade that shit has not hit the fan. When mass layoffs happen and they will in 2023 when Q1 2023 earnings come out, there will be too many chase not enough jobs. That is more painful than the burnout you are feeling. Try to be grateful. Can be difficult when feeling burnt out. Good luck to you.

Google XKyH37 Nov 30, 2022

I am in the same boat OP, currently trying to do better work but also of the mindset that if I do get laid off I should have a plan for it. I.E what do I want to do in the next 6-12 months that will be fulfilling. Would you be willing to take a part time job(if having some steady income matters) while you do personally fulfilling projects and think of your next move? That might be an avenue to explore if so.