Tech IndustryJun 26, 2019
Capital OnekokaVille

What to focus on for interviews for prep?

Often for many jobs on the Bay Area at 3 YOE ask about x years of experience in Java or some tech stack and AWS experience. Is it better to focus on Leetcoding or upping knowledge on job requirement skills? FAANG is different in that they're more algo and leetcode heavy but most jobs aren't like Zendesk, Twilio etc.

Chase 8==D~ Jun 26, 2019

I thought about this a lot myself. I even posted a poll asking something similar. Generally speaking, it depends on your goal: If you’re goal is FANG or top tier start up, leetcode hard. If you’re goal is just a job (a Fortune 500 corporation for example), it might not be a bad idea to spend free time learning the in demand skills. Those jobs value practical experience in specific domains over leetcode skills. Of course YMMV.

Capital One kokaVille OP Jun 26, 2019

It's such a dilemma for me and I have seen that you have to Leetcode to an extent no matter what but then the issue is you lose time on valuable knowledge as you may use those skills and be tested on them during the interview such as Mockito, AWS etc

Visa Jdmfe Jul 29, 2019

Not true.. leetcode hard is not necessary for top tier startups like Stripe, Zendesk etc. Also Apple is heavily testing your domain knowledge rather than simply leetcode.

Yelp sJJv80 Jun 26, 2019

System design and leetcode.

EMC opengate Jun 26, 2019

I have been prepping for FANG with leetcode for 3 months now and I still struggle solving questions

Google⠀ Jun 28, 2019

Maybe strengthen your fundamentals first then start again

Pinger create💻 Jul 5, 2019

It's impractical to acquire X yoe in Java for company 1, Y yoe in Python for company 2, etc. You can find many companies that interview like FB/G and just study for that.

DoorDash shzisbd Jul 5, 2019

1. Learn a language 2. Solve lots of Leetcode 3. Do system design mock interviews. is a great resource