
What to leave job and do PhD ? Done masters, 1 yr @apple and 2yr after bachelor. Single and 27 yr old. Should I do ?

Snowflake dodokk Feb 13


Apple vdtS50 OP Feb 13

Any particular reason why not?

Snowflake dodokk Feb 14

If you want to stay in industry master with experience has more value than PhD. The number of years you are going to spend on PhD can be your working experience which cannot be compensated with PhD.

NVIDIA 202425 Feb 14


PayPal uZr3hf8 Feb 14


PayPal uZr3hf8 Feb 14

academia is just an oversized, underfunded, immigration facilitating bootcamp at this point unless youre at stanford mit or harvard (plus a couple others) youre just gonna be working with poor professors or immigrants trying to get a visa who dont really give a fuck about research its a mirage built upon student debt that cant legally be canceled

DocuSign falafel👑 Feb 14

PhD outside of ML is not that valuable. And academia is a vipers’ nest.

Amazon LSyr74 Feb 14

Don’t do it if you want to come back to similar or same place. It’s a waste of time and more importantly money.

Synopsys helloQuant Feb 14

I doubt people saying no here have a PhD. I own a PhD and now work in SEG. TC >450k with less than 3YoE. I got this question once in a while. I assume your goal is to increase TC. Then the true answer should be you should definitely do the PhD if you can join a “top” research group. If you cannot find an advisor who is at least a session chair in top tier conferences or who consistently publishes, then it’s a waste of time. Advisors are way more important than schools. I know someone from ASU who got >400k new grad offer without an interview, and also know someone from Cal who needs to prepare leetcode for entry level positions. Both are PhDs.

Amazon katsu_ Feb 14

Seg? What's that?

Snowflake dodokk Feb 14

I have PhD and I said no. With master you get level3 of google and after 2 years you get to level 4. With PhD you get level 4. How long does it take to get PhD? Much more than 2 years. It is a simple math.

Amazon strapon Feb 14

Enjoy life out of school. Don’t go back unless you have good reasoning to do so

Meta brokedown Feb 14

Get a girl instead and use phD