Tech IndustryMay 19, 2016

What would happen if your company made their document of how much everyone made, public Considering how much we enjoy chatting about monies, thought this was an appropriate place to ask.

Microsoft ElleDriver May 19, 2016

I think if you had it from the beginning, it could work. But transitioning there? No good could come of that.

Amazon trololol May 19, 2016

I would love it

Microsoft whatthefun May 19, 2016

People paid more will be empowered and vice versa.

Google Zaphod May 19, 2016

My friends would probably become annoying as shit asking me for stuff.

Amazon Gy May 19, 2016

Low performers will start bitching

Netflix Java1 May 19, 2016

This wouldn't rock the boat too much at Netflix. Netflix pays top of market and conversations around compensation are very transparent.

LinkedIn bdzjG6 May 22, 2016

lucky! our management tries to hide salary info by lying to our faces about our peers' salary ranges #feelsbadman

Yahoo Patsy May 19, 2016

Prima donas will start to whine. Underpaid employees would be upset. I found out years ago my boss overpaid the office idiot. Office idiot was getting more than me, and I had education and experience. If you don't do it from the start it can be ugly.

Microsoft &gt[•_•] May 20, 2016


Yahoo Patsy May 20, 2016

If you disclose salaries from the start it is better. I accidentally found out.

Microsoft vX4322 May 20, 2016

In my country, everyone's salary is public (really what they paid in taxes). I know I make more than the Prime Minister. I don't get the impression that people generally take advantage of this fact, but everyone knows its out there.

Quora Cooffeeeee May 21, 2016

I would probably get pissed as new grad who doesn't know what a float is probably gets paid as much as me...