What would you choose between DevOps at Microsoft vs iOS at a smaller unicorn company?

Same TC Looking for long term career benefits of my choice, thank you

38 Participants
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lkmnwj7g4 Feb 28, 2022

You’ll get to do more at the unicorn

Microsoft QoMC77 Feb 28, 2022

It’s only between which career path you want to take. DevOps is an intellectual dead end in my opinion

ExxonMobil BAIGN27 Feb 28, 2022

Why do you think devops is a dead end? (Legitimately curious)

Microsoft QoMC77 Feb 28, 2022

It’s just composing tools to do automation, and doing process. Basically you’re an infra, and operations person who *can* code. I don’t think that’s what most people got into software for. It’s not easy exactly, but it’s not intellectually challenging either.

Microsoft blurtie91 Feb 28, 2022

You have unlimited opportunity at msft. Choosing a single-product company over it sounds to be a bad strategic move, unless they pay 2x.

Microsoft QoMC77 Feb 28, 2022

You have the same opportunities inside Microsoft as you do outside. To move within ms you’re doing the full loop just like any candidate off the streets. So what exactly is the difference here?

Microsoft blurtie91 Feb 28, 2022

It depends on a team a lot. Op can start as a devops and safely upgrade to anyone they want within couple of years, get relevant experience and leave to a better faang company having proper records at the LinkedIn profile.

Amazon BrazilBe🍑 Feb 28, 2022

Id rather do dev work at a no name than DevOps at a FAANG. Boring AF work imo