Tech IndustryMar 4, 2022

When should I quit?

I have a few mile stones coming up, when is the best time to quit? Current 1.75 years at Intuit .75 years at AWS Tc- $240k Bachelors degree in CS 25 YO

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VMware Null ID Mar 4, 2022

At a bare minimum, I would aim for a full year at AWS since you are already 3/4 of a year currently. You can start tentatively interviewing; it could take a few months depending on where you want to go.

Coinbase 04ecf1b3br Mar 4, 2022

It depends. If you want to leave, is it because you're unhappy or feel like you're missing out on a better opportunity? If so, then leave as soon as you reasonably can.

PayPal jfhChjKl Mar 4, 2022

How are you making these plans? Do you have a current offer from Google or are you expecting you'll get an offer in 6-8 months? How can you possibly know you'll have a kid in 12-16 months?

Amazon IGyt55 OP Mar 4, 2022

I have an offer with Google. Just need to team match, at any point in the next 11 months. IVF means we have a decent amount of control over when we will get pregnant -> have a baby

PayPal jfhChjKl Mar 4, 2022

Oh hmm, well will you make more than 10k if you move to Google in the next 4 months? If so, then you can just invest the difference in Amazon. Ah okay, I didn't think IVF had a high success rate, I could be wrong. I think that's a pretty difficult thing to plan for. I'd base my decision on whether or not I like my current team, if the money is important and all that Congrats on the offer!