Tech IndustryJul 23, 2019

Where will I make the most $$$? Fintech? Biotech?

Hi I want to thank anyone in advance who contributes to this post. Graduating in 2021 and going into b2b sales. My goal before I start my own company is to sell to enterprise accounts as soon as possible. My question is, which tech sector will be the most lucrative? I've heard Fintech and Biotech. Also how can I find a company that is about to explode and have a massive growth phase where sales reps are going to be bringing in a lot of revenue? Should I look for recent series a, b, c or d funding rounds? I know I will need some luck but I want to create my luck. I appreciate any other advice you might have for me as well.

Oath Atinlay2 Jul 23, 2019


Databricks data4u Jul 23, 2019

You should worry about getting your first job first out of college first. Despite what you read on Blind majority of people graduating do not get to work at the companies they want to nor the pay they want when starting their careers.

Oath Atinlay2 Jul 23, 2019

Reality is going to hit this OP like a ton of bricks

aqn98 OP Jul 23, 2019

True that. Let's say I have 1-2 years of work experience, then how can I find these types of companies?

Markel OSHArep57 Jul 23, 2019

Don't let comments from other users stop you from pursuing an ideal position. Do your research, get creative, and hope for the best but honestly, in your heart of hearts, expect the worst. You will be unemployed for 1-2 months at best immediately following graduation. This job market is hard AF, and it is awful on your career and esteem if you spend too long unemployed or make a wrong move in desperation. Always, always shoot for the ideal job, never lower your standards as long as possible. You might be miserable as long as you are unemployed and looking, but you will DEFINITELY be miserable when you feel stuck in a dead-end crap circus of a job.

Databricks data4u Jul 23, 2019

I didn’t say anything disparaging just have real expectations.

Medallia Maximus8 Jul 23, 2019

Yes. Well said. And at the same time try taking one step at a time. Do the research on industries; how sales works in each, challenges, pros cons etc. that will narrow your search towards the end

Medallia Maximus8 Jul 23, 2019

Op you are all over the place. What do you want to know? Becoming good sales guy? Finding good startup? Fintech vs biotech which industry is good for sales?

aqn98 OP Jul 23, 2019

True, sorry about that. But yes finding a good start up and which industries are best for sales?

Medallia Maximus8 Jul 23, 2019

Exactly. You need to do more research on that. Talk to sales people from both industries; see what’s their day to day; kind of work they do; kind of clients they have to work with etc. post questions with intended outcome. Better talk to industry people. Industry research> select industry > search leading startups > prepare > graduate > deliver

Asurion lVGz10 Jul 23, 2019

If you want to get rich fast, rob a bank but if you want to have a career and get rich as a side effect of that, look into yourself and see where you can utilize your strength and where do you have the most impact. Also, forget about being realist! Reality sucks!

Genentech ProsAndCon Sep 13, 2019

OP, how did you get a blind account as a student? I thought it was only open to company email accounts

aqn98 OP Sep 18, 2019


Express Scripts wGyI45 Sep 13, 2019

Career aside, what fields are you most passionate/knowledgable about? Is there some aspect of finance/biology/science, etc... that deeply interests you long enough to slog it out until you "make it big"