
Which companies will be kings for the next 10 years?

I compiled a list of kings back in 2010 and how about let's have a vote on who will be a king with good growth for the next 10 years? o The graphics card king of nVidia / ATI (AMD) in 2010 o The electric car king Tesla of 2010 o The search engine king Google of 2005 or 2010 o The corporate hosting king AWS of 2010 o The smartphone and tablet king Apple of 2010 o The social media king Facebook of 2010 o Netflix and YouTube, the streaming and video content king since about 2010 or 2015 o TSM (tsmc) the chip maker king as of recently (Multiple selections allowed) (oops I forgot Microsoft for Azure and OpenAI below) TC: 390k #investments #personalfinance

935 Participants
Multiple selections allowed