Which company has the best mentorship for engineers?

Google Facebook and Amazon seem to have really high pay, but that's not all that counts. Bloomberg has good mentorship but mediocre pay. I've had two friends jump to high frequency training firms. Jane street, 2sig, hrt seem to be popular. #engineering #software #swe

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Bloomberg peYl44 Nov 4, 2022

Honestly, how come G wins every single poll in this website? Even when against companies like HRT. Is it just people from G voting for G every time? I legitimately dont get it πŸ˜…

Bloomberg MVMV<GO> OP Nov 4, 2022

You think BB has better mentorship done G?

Google ex- Amazon Nov 4, 2022


Google DCad58 Nov 4, 2022

All and none. The best engineers don't always interview well so end up everywhere. Some of the worst engineers have cracked interviews and end up all over the place.

Microsoft clclcl Nov 4, 2022

What is Google's mentorship like? Also it's definitely not Microsoft, I've seen basically no mentorship here

Two Sigma TooSigma Nov 4, 2022

I currently work at 2S and worked at two others in the poll, I know people at all of the others except Bloomberg. I'd say Google had by far the best mentorship. You could sign up for technical mentorship, management mentorship, a non-mentor buddy. You get assigned a mentor when you start. Interns have two hosts. 1:1s are common. Peer feedback is common although it is a bit less common now with some changes to perf processes. If you're in an ERG you can also get ERG mentors. Women can have women mentors, for example. Also there is a ton of internal educational material. Classes, docs. Documents on the bathroom stall doors. Tech talks... Etc etc etc

Bloomberg MVMV<GO> OP Nov 5, 2022

What is two sigma mentorship like?