Design CareerJun 26, 2018

Who green lit the experiment to test bookerly on

Saw this a mile away and glad they dialed it back today but this feels like one of those things you don’t have to test to already know. But who in the world pushed this through?

Amazon pushbutton Jun 26, 2018

Probably some VP pet project. Can’t stand how amateur it looks. Hope the metrics show clearly that it turns customers away and whoever did this can come back down to a sane decision.

Amazon Hot==dog Jun 26, 2018

Are either of you really surprised this happened here?

Amazon t2CZcMVL Jun 26, 2018

Next Weblab is Comic Sans!

Amazon Hot==dog Jun 26, 2018

Whoa now. Let’s not give them any ideas. I do love how after, what, 20 years they just now noticed that the lines of text might be a little too long.

Ljgqtio Jun 26, 2018

I thought it was a bug not a feature

Amazon qHqj77 Jun 27, 2018

Justification I saw in the announcement was that Ember font change was a huge success last year. I don’t know how they arrived at *any* font change being a good idea, but agree it looks awful. My biggest fear is that the data will be inconclusive and skewed toward a success; we tout being data-driven but it’s the same MBA bullshit as everywhere else, tailoring data to fit the narrative.

Amazon Hot==dog Jun 27, 2018

Wait. So the font change was a huge success, thus let’s change the font again because changing fonts equates to success? Fuck. Amazon MBA bullshit is a special kind of bullshit. I remember one of the videos last year talking about changing the color of prices from maroon to black and how that had some huge effect. Sure, I guess.