RelationshipsFeb 11, 2018
Freeosk Inctac

Who pays on the date?

Ideally speaking when both people have equal interest in the date and it doesn't matter who asked who...

369 Participants
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phantump21 Feb 11, 2018

Lol Apache attack copter.

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Yahoo vs35deu Feb 11, 2018

Something tells me with your attitude, including calling them “girls” instead of “women” means you’re speaking from experience.

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Ur_Boss Feb 11, 2018

As a gentleman always pay for the “first” date. After that whatever works for both of you.

Freeosk Inc tac OP Feb 11, 2018

What works best for me is that she pays for the next ten dates so I can 10x my investment.

Ur_Boss Feb 11, 2018

Well if that works for her too. Just don’t get her pregnant else the numbers will not be in your favor ;)

Amazon Sozeb Ffej Feb 11, 2018

I always surprise me of how my opinion changes according to my interest.

Amazon Sozeb Ffej Feb 12, 2018

No, I meant that, depending on how bad I like the woman, I’d be for an even split or I’d be dying to pay for her.

Intel go go Feb 11, 2018

I kind of disagree with the polls here. Whoever asks the other person out, should pay for the date. At least when you guys don't know each other well enough to come up with your own set of standards. P.S. I am a female

Microsoft MP3 Feb 11, 2018

Why does it suddenly get all weird if it is a date, but if two friends meet they just pay for themselves and it is all good? After all, you’re just meeting to see if there is interest/connection. All this who pays for what makes it weird.

Freeosk Inc tac OP Feb 11, 2018

I have never been asked out on a first date and I doubt many other guys here have either. If the other person values my time we should go 50/50. Wouldn't an independent woman pay for at least her half?

Amazon FreeHat Feb 11, 2018

That’s not what women are complaining about when they talk about “equal pay”.

Freeosk Inc tac OP Feb 11, 2018

Lol. Good one.

Oracle ddcjutdcbj Feb 11, 2018

I always pay because I know I make more. It’s less of a burden for me. If I was a teacher, I’d probably go 50/50 a lot.

Freeosk Inc tac OP Feb 11, 2018

On one hand charity is nice, but on the other hand shouldn't women with careers be able to figure this out?

Oracle ddcjutdcbj Feb 13, 2018

Figure what out?

Amazon good_bad Feb 11, 2018

Guy pays. Any other answer can only be from some new age cuck bitch.

Microsoft El Boracho Feb 11, 2018

Depends on what you think your date will find attractive, and what kind of person you are looking for. Assuming you are dating because, well, you want to find someone to ultimately marry, or hook up with, or otherwise get romantically entangled with. That whole process is guided by tens of thousands of years of evolution and genetics. While I put a lot of weight on the potential of equality between the sexes, you really can’t buck millenniums’ old trends for attraction. So if you’ve already draped yourself in the trappings of success, because you know that’s (for better or worse) something many women find attractive, and your looking for the kind of woman who fits that role and shows up in heels, pay for the damned date. But if you’re one of those enlightened sorts, looking for another enlightened sort, wear your jeans and sneakers and go Dutch. It really all comes down to what you are looking to get out of dating.

Amazon good_bad Feb 12, 2018

This is something that gets overlooked in the whole wage equality discussion. Primary driver of wage inequality is the type of job. Men chase the money, women are more interested in flexibility. Why is that? Well, from an evolutionary standpiint, men are wired to choose a mate based on physical characteristics while women are wired to choose a mate that can provide. Both are still highly present in our culture. Until/unless that changes, you'll continue see yoga classes be 90% women and engineering majors be 90% men.

Microsoft El Boracho Feb 12, 2018

Dude, don’t hijack my ad hoc dating advice with another wage equality flame war

Medallia mShU83 Feb 11, 2018

Stop being a cheapskate. Just pay for the date..

Facebook KingVegeta Feb 11, 2018

Who? The guy or the girl?