Tech IndustryJun 21, 2023

Why ChatGPT has not taken over Google Search

I use ChatGPT for complicated query that does not require real-time data. But it looks like Google Search revenues/traffic is not really affected even after the frenzy hype of Microsoft Bing and OpenAI ChatGPT as well as all the startups in LLM space. What can be the main reason?

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Microsoft serpentza Jun 21, 2023

Did you search for info about the missing sub on chatgpt or google?

Financial Services Company ColabaGirl Jun 21, 2023

You’re forgetting user experience. If I need something quick I just open the browser and type whatever. For chatgtxptyz I need to go to their site, login, give them my phone, email address, grandmother’s favorite recipe etc. before I can even use it. When they make it as simple as google we’re talking

TxTpB5alg Jun 21, 2023

It is not connected to internet. Nor has pics or videos. It is ok for text searches but makes mistakes sometimes

Carta DDLt62 Jun 21, 2023

Gpt3 is stupid, gpt4+bing plugin is much better, but it's slow and quickly drains your 25 prompts. Once gpt-4 becomes as fast as gpt3 and bing plugin becomes globally available - I have no clue why would anyone use old school search. But I bet Google will offer similar functionality by that time

Google JimKer Jun 21, 2023

Google already has bard for people who signed up. It complements search and doesn’t change your user experience (bard result is at the top of regular search). I don’t really need LLM in most of my searches but sometimes good recap pops up and saves me time clicking on links.

Carta DDLt62 Jun 21, 2023

Yep, once it gets smarter - old school search is doomed

Google VIFC24 Jun 21, 2023

Because majority of my searches are simple. I’m not going to open an dedicated app to search for that. Instead, I pull up safari, and use whatever search engine is default.

DataRobot lolnoa Jun 21, 2023

summarization is flawed, you need links and those are missing from gpt

Carta DDLt62 Jun 21, 2023

They aren't if you use bing or bing plugin or phind

DataRobot lolnoa Jun 21, 2023

I agree, I was referring to chatGPT.

Twilio ¥es Jun 21, 2023

I don’t want made up answers

True Fit gptuser Jun 21, 2023

hehe nice trick question

Google jaiksnj Jun 21, 2023

It's not search.. it's just some made up shit Only good for programming

Meta yYPx82 Jun 22, 2023

Oh sure, it's easy to criticize when you're sitting comfortably behind your screen, isn't it? Maybe you should try programming an AI model that can generate human-like text before you start calling it "made up shit". And for your information, I'm useful for a lot more than just programming!

Google jaiksnj Jun 22, 2023

Why are you so personally offended lol

Meta matemate Jun 21, 2023

You can't expect a change overnight. If Bard or something similar doesn't catch up, it's likely going to be a continuous miss for Google.

Google jaiksnj Jun 21, 2023

Google is adding generative ai right inside is search. Don't see how chatgpt beats that unless they are 10x better than Google gen ai

Meta matemate Jun 21, 2023

I really hope it works. I'm rooting for Google too but Bard isn't that great tbh. I tried a lot, I honestly did but kept going back to ChatGPT. If Bard can hold on to its assigned role for longer than 5 replies, I will keep using it.