
Why Mustafa Suleyman? how about promoting from within?

I know talents within MSFT that could have qualified. But why MSFT doesn’t promote from within?

Microsoft hires DeepMind co-founder Mustafa Suleyman as CEO of new AI unit
Microsoft hires DeepMind co-founder Mustafa Suleyman as CEO of new AI unit
Google nmdO14 Mar 19

Because this way you can kill competitors without competing and without triggering antitrust

Google ufcjydgjgd Mar 19

Because Microsoft sucks at AI?

Microsoft wtf is it Mar 19

Sucker than Pichai?

Meta chat2 Mar 19

Not a lot of founder experience among mid level employees in most cases.

Amazon opipe Mar 19

.. and you get headlines!

Microsoft add78 Mar 19

This proves you don’t need a college degree to reach the top. He is an Oxford dropout at 19!

SundarGooG Mar 19

Because Microsoft needed a leader. Not a follower.