RelationshipsNov 8, 2019

Why are arranged marriages more successful than loved ones?

Keep hearing this and am curious as to why or if you have any stories. Successful in terms of low divorce rate.

Salesforce kOSb66 Nov 8, 2019

Loved ones don’t come with dowrys

Walmart qcd4gh Nov 8, 2019


WeWork bsa85 Nov 8, 2019

Actually, love marriages come with dowries as well in cultures with dowries. In cultures that don't have dowries, neither arranged nor love marriages have dowries.

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Netflix 32768 Nov 8, 2019

Well said!

Google FudgMuppet Nov 8, 2019

Firstly, that's a loaded question. I would like to see reliable data to back that up. Secondly, folks that have arranged marriage are most likely lacking game and confidence. I can see them sticking it out even if miserable, because they fear they won't find anyone else.

Google eorl OP Nov 8, 2019

"According to a 2012 study by Statistic Brain, 53.25 percent of marriages are arranged worldwide. The global divorce rate for arranged marriages was 6.3 percent, which could be an indicator for the success rate of arranged marriages."

Microsoft ncrunch Nov 8, 2019

The venn diagram of cultures that arrange marriages and have stigma around divorce is basically a circle.

Fast Enterprises lodoxjs8 Nov 8, 2019

Because when it’s arranged you don’t have to question if you made the right choice when things get difficult

Amazon i quit Nov 8, 2019

U still make a choice even if it’s arranged. If not that’d be illegal. Lol

Microsoft xigocato Nov 8, 2019

Successful how? If it’s only measured in low divorce rate, then I would say that if you’re docile enough to accept that others decide your future for you, then probably you’ll be more inclined to accept any hardship during marriage. Not saying that it’s good or bad, but there is an sampling bias if you’re trying to measure duration.

FRLP80 Nov 9, 2019

Any success metric should necessarily involve procreative Fidelity. Any social arrangement that sustains the species will be subject to the same evolutionary selection pressures as the species itself. I don't know what everyone's miopic biased opinion about how people subjectively experience the social arrangement has to do with it.

Apple RXtA67 Nov 8, 2019

Because in an arranged marriage, the parents usually like each other and select the partners based on similar backgrounds. Like in India, many people still don’t get married out of caste. This is to ensure that all the rituals etc carried out so far will continue to being carried out. When the girl comes to her new home, she has a similar set of values or at least that’s what is the case most of the times. Similar backgrounds imply similar value systems and thus less friction. This helps in the longitivtiy of marriages. It doesn’t imply the above is true all the time; times are changing and people have different expectations. So there are unhappy arranged marriages too. Lastly, in movies they show opposites attract but in reality, the more similar your background and value system is, more harmonious the Union.

Apple bgjvv Nov 8, 2019

This sounds very medieval, and applicable when people are quite conservative and orthodox to see beyond that and seek happiness. People are beyond the traditions and rituals. A progressive and open attitude towards things is what matters. But I agree with some harmony with value system being important, and movies are not a typical example of an average non-arranged marriage. People are capable enough of choosing their partners, more so than their partners — and they do look for same values. And it’s not like movies.

FactSet meJi55 Nov 8, 2019

There is truth to this. I am introverted and making small talk is painful; but the first time I spoke to an attractive gal with a very similar background to my own, we basically talked through the night for twelve hours straight. No, it didn’t lead marriage but the instant connection was there and it could have if I really wanted to pursue it (I wasn’t ready). Yes, we are both Americans.

Apple bgjvv Nov 8, 2019

Define success? Is it fewer divorces? Then probably you should ask which cultures do arranged marriages, and how acceptable divorces are there. How independent are women on their own in those cultures. Obviously, then it means there are more successful marriages by divorce rate in arranged marriages, but not necessarily by happiness. And to me a successful marriage is a happy one. I’m seriously surprised how people just look at some random number, and then fail to see beyond that. Kinda reminds me of, success of country and quality of life by its GDP.

Seagate toti420 Nov 8, 2019

I see Google hiring bar has dropped significantly.

Seagate toti420 Nov 9, 2019

Nah, just keeping away from idiots who work at Google

Apple tim_c00k Nov 8, 2019

I feel like a lot of people seem pretty triggered and worked up by these posts. I wonder why

Google portune Nov 8, 2019

Marriage is often a sore spot. Lots of regrets

Juniper ㄴㅇㄴ Nov 8, 2019

I feel like arranged couples are culturally pressured to stick with it even if the marriage turned bad. Due to keeping an image, honoring their parents' decision, financial reasons, and so on.