Tech IndustryAug 24, 2019

Why people don’t like Microsoft

Their pay is not the best but i saw offers that can beat FAANG and big startups. Also on paper, Microsoft has good benefit and WLB. What’s it making people dislike it so much? or is it just another Blind bias.

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iyDH21 Aug 24, 2019

I ll never work for Microsoft. I had the worst manager

Microsoft मराठीमाणुस Aug 24, 2019

A single manager != Microsoft. Blame the person for it, not the company.

Microsoft manoi Aug 24, 2019

Lol there are over 100k employees and you judge a company by one person. We're glad to not have you anymore as well

Microsoft मराठीमाणुस Aug 24, 2019

I do believe that Microsoft is a legendary company. 40 years is a big survival time for the company. I like Microsoft as a company. Definitely worth it.

Microsoft cholical Aug 24, 2019

1. Microsoft is probably the closest company to fang but it's not so it's easy to shit on and get a raise out of people. For example if you shit on ibm or a barely known companies, people won't disagree. 2. Because blind places so much emphasis on tc and Microsoft is similar to fangs in everything but tc 3. Because of 3 and the rest of faang setting up shop in seattle, there's been a huge brain drain 4. A lot of boring products and customers. Microsoft provides enterprise software to a lot of dinosaurs 5. D&I initiatives

Yelp bbtea OP Aug 24, 2019

Thanks and What is D&I?

Yelp bbtea OP Aug 24, 2019

Also I personally feel unboring has been overrated. Let’s be real, for companies with buzz words cool stuff, only a smaller % ppl are actually working on those things. The rest are working on similar things everywhere.

Amazon uaqh79 Aug 24, 2019

No idea, it sounds better than Amazon?

Microsoft manoi Aug 24, 2019

We don't get 🍌🍌🍌 😭

Amazon uaqh79 Aug 24, 2019

I think that’s only a Seattle thing. I do know at least one part of Amazon that gets catered lunches every day though.

DoorDash 6ixGod🙏🏼🦉 Aug 24, 2019

As a company in terms of culture, benefits, etc they’re top tier but products aren’t that sexy especially for younger people

NerdWallet Nizime Aug 24, 2019

Because even though it’s not true, it seems like an old, boring, slow, grey cubicle, suit wearing, non innovative, corporate company 20 years past its prime. I put it in the same bucket as oracle and IBM, bleh.

Twitter rebutfyl Aug 24, 2019

Things move really slow. Most employees have side gig and sometimes prioritize that over Microsoft work. They have too many meetings without any clear actionable decisions coming out. Their “closed offices” also don’t help. I was there for a few months and it was extremely hard to get any help - most engineers are “busy” when I go to them. They don’t come back to me when they have time. I had to schedule meetings and force them to attend to get help. No one works in months of November/December. It’s hard to feel engaged if you take work seriously. It’s a good place to retire. I am sure there are some good teams where this doesn’t apply. But in general process is slow. You can clearly see slowness even in their recruiting process.

Microsoft manoi Aug 24, 2019

Lol try working in Azure

Microsoft manoi Aug 24, 2019

Also closed offices don't exist anymore or the last remaining ones are being moved out. You have outdated perception of ms.

mvpppppppp Aug 24, 2019

Microsoft survived Balmer era. Since no one mentioned it, I will. It can only get better from here. I’ve only met smart and humble people there and no, there’s no grey cubicle in newer offices.

Microsoft jmGp18 Aug 25, 2019

Just bias